50 Ways To Murder Your Fictional Characters
The time has finally arrived!
I’ve been working on this 4000+ word booklet, 50 Ways To Murder Your Fictional Characters for weeks and it’s finally done. In it you’ll find different murder methods with commentary on how your killer can use the technique effectively, and what to look out for when he does. I’ve also shared details, like how the detective can catch the killer if he isn’t careful.
So you can better understand the great resource you’ll have with 50 Ways To Murder Your Fictional Characters I’ll give you a sneak peek…
Killers who know their victims often like the up-close and personal touch. The killer can look his victim in the eyes and watch the life drain from her body. Now, you don’t need to use a knife. Be creative. A pair of scissors, a toothbrush melted and filed down, even a pen could turn into a murder weapon with the right motivation. If you decide to go with the knife then use something common like a butcher knife from the victim’s own kitchen so it’s harder to trace. Or, a sword. Now that’s using your head! Just make sure he doesn’t keep it afterwards. No stupid killers please! There’s no challenge in that.
A side note to stabbing, graciously offered in the comments below: This is a very messy way to kill. Lots of blood. Which makes it difficult for the killer to grip the handle. The constricting muscles pull the knife in, because the rib cage does a great job of protecting the heart. So, finding an artery to sever is a real pain, and usually takes more than one attempt. The most realistic way of stabbing is to thrust the knife into the abdomen. Whether to leave it in or take it out is up to you, depending on how long the killer wants the victim to suffer. A lot of times the victim will pull the knife out himself, in which case he’ll bleed out much faster.
Here’s a method that required more detail…
Thallium Sulfate
Water-soluble. Symptoms won’t appear for several days. Therefore, the number of suspects would increase. Thallium poisoning has been called the “poisoner’s poison” since thallium is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Its slow-acting, painful and wide-ranging symptoms are often suggestive of a host of other illnesses and conditions. Which make this murder weapon ideal. However, there are antidotes available, so make sure the killer gives a high enough dose and doesn’t dole it out over time. Also, MEs can detect this in the bloodstream. But– while he’s waiting for the tox screen results the detective would not have a clear cause of death and, therefore, would be chasing dead-ends. Always a good thing in crime fiction.
Okay, one more to whet your appetite…
Methanol– also known as wood alcohol– ingested in large quantities is metabolized to formic acid, or formate salts, which is poisonous to the central nervous system and causes blindness, coma, and then death. A lethal dose would be 1 milligram per 1 kilogram of body weight. The victim will appear to die slowly over time. Now we’re talking! Just make sure the victim does not seek medical treatment or the jigs up. Or, perhaps she does and then fears for her life, worries that the killer will return to finish what he started. Brrr… chilling.
Have you heard enough yet? cups ear What’s that? You want one more? Okay, just one. To get the rest you’ll need to fill out the form by clicking on the image (above or in the sidebar) or you can go here.
Bondage gear
Oh, don’t judge me! You know exactly what I’m talking about… the ball gag, the rubber suit, the whip. People who practice sadomasochism often can get carried away and forget the “safe word”. Besides, it’s an excellent way to humiliate the victim. I mean really, who wants to be found that way? Just make sure the killer and the victim are not romantically involved or he’ll be the first person the police question. Or, both the killer and victim could belong to a swingers’ group. That way there will be plenty of suspects and red herrings.
You think it was easy finding an image for that method? Do you see the lengths I’m willing to go– for you! Go ahead, I dare you to Google “bondage images”, then you’ll feel my pain.
That’s only four murder methods. I’ve compiled fifty!
Still not convinced?
For an added bonus I’ve included an entire section on the correct terminology for the different types of killings, with links to Wikipedia so you can research further.
Such as…
Matricide is the act of killing one’s mother.
Patricide is the act of killing one’s father.
Let’s review. You’ll receive 50 murder methods, with commentary and details, and a section dedicated to the different types of killings– all for the low, low price of FREE. All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll send you the 13-page .pdf.
If after you sign up you decide you no longer want to hear from me, just unsubscribe. I’ve put a handy link in the confirmation email for that purpose. I’ll be sorry to see you go. I might even shed a few tears. But I will continue to support you.
UPDATE: Sorry, but this offer has ended. In total, I gave away thousands of copies. In 2016, I added 10 more ways to kill and released the guide on Amazon for 99c.
I really enjoyed your comments on crime writing. Most similar pieces tend to talk down to you as if saying, I know what I’m talking about, so just listen. Very easy to learn from when in a quandary of which road to take in a story. I write a lot of crime short stories and was about to put them out as an ebook since most publishers seem to frown on them, so some of your comments might give me inspiration for book2?
Sue Coletta
Thank you so much! It’s true that a lot of “guides” tend to come across that way…sadly. My only goal was to share my love for crime. I’m so glad you are enjoying the booklet. And yes, write book 2. I’d love to know my comments were your behind-the-scenes inspiration. 😉 Good luck, Hitchcocked!
Reblogged this on The Write Stuff and commented:
While I’m neck deep in other things I thought I’d share a popular post of mine. You can get the full .pdf by clicking the image or following the link.
You criminal mind you! 😉
Ha! Thanks.
Brilliant post and if I were a writer I’d want to see what the other methods have to offer me!
Yes, not much good to you otherwise. At least, I hope not. :-0 Thanks for stopping by, Cleo!
As far as stabbing goes, one of the quickest and least messy ways of preparing someone for the grave is an ice pick (or similar tool) to the base of the skull where it meets the spine. The medula oblongata is located there and it controls all bodily functions. Death is instantaneous and the heart stops immediately.
Excellent! I’ve had a few people write in with new methods– LOVE it! I guess that’s what happens when writers get together to talk about murder. 🙂 I plan to update this list every now and then. Would you mind if I used this? It’s a great method.
Deborah Jay
Came here from ‘The Write Stuff’.
What a brilliant resource – and thanks so much for sharing it.
I write urban fantasy rather than crime, but there’s always plenty of scope for human murderers within the genre, and I have one planned in my next book so I’m certain I will find this invaluable.
It was my pleasure. There’s always room for a juicy murder 🙂
Just sent it to you. Enjoy!
Sue, I’d love one. How do I sign up?
Click on the top image (50 Ways To Murder… image) or the title at the beginning of the post. It will bring you to the sign up sheet.
Will do 🙂
Hey Sue, that’s quite creepy, but really fantastic resourece for a crime writers. I’m a historical writer and I know how painful it is to find accurate info about specific matters. I wish someone compiled such pdf about the Twenties.
Mhm… maybe one day, I’ll do it 😉
That’s a great idea! You should totally do it. It was a lot of work, but still fun.
David J Delaney
Great Idea Sue and a brilliant Idea to ensure people are super nice to you…or else they can choose one of the fifty (o:
Guilty as charged 😀
Nicholas C. Rossis
Oh, about stabbing, I’d add that it’s a really messy way of killing – something that seldom comes across movies and novels. Blood makes it hard to grip the handle; the constricting muscles pull the knife in; the ribcage does a great job of protecting the heart and finding an artery to sever is a real pain, usually taking more than one attempts.
The most realistic way of using it is “stab into the abdomen, leave knife in.” Most gut wounds are lethal, it just takes longer for the victim to die. Unless the victim pulls the knife out themselves, of course, in which case they bleed out much faster.
So, unless your killer has special training, you may want to take these considerations in mind.
EXCELLENT– I’m adding it now. Thank you! I’ll probably keep updating/ammending the .pdf and then resend copies.
Nicholas C. Rossis
I’m just glad no one asks how I know this stuff. If anyone checked my browser history, I’d be in real trouble! 😀
Ha! You and me both. I often wonder when the knock at the door will come, handcuffs in hand.
Nicholas C. Rossis
“Excuse you ma’am, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about this murder than happened down the road? The victim was poisoned, then strangled, then shot with a phaser – right before someone stabbed him repeatedly. Oh, did we mention the lightsaber that finished the job?”
*leans towards you, stares you in the eye*
“We suspect an author’s on a rampage.”
LMAO! Stop, the tears won’t stop rolling and my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.
Nicholas C. Rossis
Nicholas C. Rossis
Love it – what a fantastic idea! Adding the right (or wrong, if you prefer) dosage is a great bonus that lends authenticity to any story. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
My pleasure! Wait until you see what I did with some of the other methods… aimed toward the tantalizingly evil killer.
Nicholas C. Rossis
Lol – I can hardly wait! 😀
Kathryn Mann
Looks fascinating. Echoing the first commentator, “I want, I want!”
Then you shall have. It’s all yours in just a few clicks. 🙂
What a great resource! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, you bet. I’m glad you like it.
I want, I want. What a joy for you to share your hard fought research with us!
It’s only a click away! And it was my pleasure to share my hard work with all of you.
I am totally getting one of these once I have access to something larger than a phone. (Tonight) Thanks for sharing this.
Yay! Thanks, Craig!
Margot Kinberg
Oh, Sue, this is a great idea! And inspirational too! Thanks for doing all of work of putting this together.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing it. Psst… I just sent your copy. Enjoy!
Margot Kinberg
Just got it! Yay!