“Buy My Book!” NO.
Show of hands. Who likes receiving messages that order you to “Buy my book!”? I sure don’t. Nothing irks me more than getting a DM that says, “Thanks for the follow. Hey, while…
Interview With International Bestselling Author Mia Thompson
This week I had the opportunity to sit down with Author Mia Thompson. Mia is a Swedish-born author living in Sacramento, California. Her international bestsellers, Stalking Sapphire and Silencing Sapphire, were published in 2013,…
Crime Writer Boot Camp: Jurisdiction Part II
If you’re just joining us, Officer X, my CI and friend, has been instructing us on how to properly use jurisdiction in our stories. He’ still on the job, which is why I’m…
The Time Has Finally Arrived!
This is an awesome day for me. MARRED is available for pre-release! I can hardly believe it’s happening. Anyone who’s traveled this lonely, often heartbreaking, road toward traditional publishing can attest that it’s…
Crime Writer Boot Camp: Jurisdiction
I have a real treat for you. As I’ve mentioned before, Officer X is an avid reader of crime fiction. As crime writers, we need to make our stories ring true for everyone, but especially…
If She Walks Like a Victim…
The best CI a crime writer could ever have, Officer X, sent me a fascinating video, where Dr. John Marsden asked four volunteers to prove how our body language might make us a…
Police and Fed Terminology for Crime Writers
A while back Lee Lofland graciously agreed to allow me to republish his Crime Writer’s Dictionary. I want to be clear that this is not an extension of that but rather, an independent…
Share the Love
When I first starting blogging I was blown away by this special community of writers, and I still feel thankful every day to be part of it. We support and encourage. We have each other’s backs.…
Psychopaths & The Criminally Insane
The criminally insane are often used in crime fiction, TV dramas, and movies. Even though it’s speculated that the fictional character, Hannibal Lector, simply outsmarted the jury, he was found criminally insane and…
Crime Writing: Exceptions to Search Warrants
As crime writers, it’s crucial we get our facts right. Recently, I was approached by a police officer who loves the work I’m doing here, on the blog. To say I was honored…