Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
In case you haven’t heard, SILENT MAYHEM went up for pre-order on Friday. Yay!!! And like every one of my books, there’s more to the story than what’s on the page.
If you think you know Shawnee Daniels, think again. SILENT MAYHEM sinkholes the ground on which she stands.
There’s a reason I’ve only given you bits and pieces of her life till now. Writing a snarky, tough-as-nails character is tricky. I couldn’t show her mushy center as fully as my other characters. Sage, for example. I did show glimpses of her soft-side, but Shawnee has so many layers that even she isn’t cognizant of what she’s capable of or who she is yet. If I let her figure it out in WINGS OF MAYHEM or BLESSED MAYHEM, her true character wouldn’t feel authentic.
Up until this point, Shawnee’s lived life on the edge, with one foot on each side of the law. And we love her for it, right? Only now, in SILENT MAYHEM, she has no choice but to face several cold, hard truths.
Life teaches us many things, especially when we’re broken, wounded, or scarred beyond repair. The past also won’t let us ignore her forever. One day, she will rear her ugly head. If we’re unprepared for battle, then it’s at our peril. Or in this case, Shawnee’s. But you can bet Shawnee won’t go down without a fight.
For those of you who haven’t read my books (gasp!), my Mayhem Series is very different from Grafton County Series, and that’s intentional. They’re written differently, too. With my Mayhem Series, the killer isn’t hidden. From the opening chapter you’ll know exactly who he is. The books in this series are true psychological thrillers, with the mystery being “the why” behind the murders. More cat-and-mouse, if you will. While writing, I keep nine-million balls in the air to ensure you never really see the true picture as clearly as you think you do. All the clues are there, but will you pick up on them while reading?
This dance between writer and reader is one of my favorites. As the author, it’s my job to sprinkle clues throughout the novel to give you all the tools you need to crack the mystery. I would never deny you that pleasure. Committing deus ex machina is a serious offense. For anyone unfamiliar with the term, it’s a Latin calque from Greek, which means “god from the machine.” Ever read a book where solving the mystery seemed to materialize out of thin air? Or when a new character is suddenly introduced in the final chapters, with important information, for the sole purpose of telling the hero how to solve the mystery? That’s a prime example of deus ex machina, and it’s a literary sin.
Along with Shawnee, Mister Mayhem takes center stage, and so does Poe. Man, I love that crow! Edgar and Allen are also special, but Poe outshines his brothers with his dramatic antics, need for attention, and everlasting love for bling. Although, in SILENT MAYHEM, Poe’s also a naughty, naughty boy! In his defense, he still harbors resentment toward Shawnee, and he’s not shy about showing it.
Did you know these crows are based on my beloved murder? True! The only difference is, my Poe is female. Which I wasn’t aware of until after I wrote BLESSED MAYHEM. In real life, Edgar is her mate and Allan is one of her firstborn sons. Other than that, their personalities align with their fictional counterparts. Sadly, though, the fictional Poe hasn’t been as lucky in love, but give him time. Mister Mayhem’s still grooming him to find a special lady friend.
Unlike in BLESSED MAYHEM, where Shawnee first meets Mister Mayhem while he’s draining a victim of blood, his and Shawnee’s relationship has transformed, and it’s difficult to discern his true intentions. That’s also intentional. 😉 What fun would it be if I gave you the answers? You guys are sharp and intelligent. Draw you’re own conclusions. I won’t leave you hanging in the end.
The story itself still haunts me. Rather than rehash the reasons why, if you’re interested, you can read my post on the Kill Zone, entitled Wounded Writer Syndrome. Alas, SILENT MAYHEM is one of those stories that I may never escape.
What’s SILENT MAYHEM about?
Some things in life defy comprehension, but that doesn’t make them any less real. Or deadly.
When a familiar crow drops a cryptic scroll at Shawnee Daniels’ feet, she’s compelled to open it, even though everything in her power warns her not to. Mr. Mayhem—the most prolific serial killer the North Shore has ever known—claims her life is in danger. He “claims” he wants to help her, but just last year he threatened to murder everyone she loves.
While Mayhem taunts her with oddly-placed feathers, like The Creator left at his crime scenes, an interstate killing spree rocks Massachusetts and New Hampshire. A madman is decapitating men and women, dumping their headless corpses on two area beaches. But what Shawnee soon uncovers shatters all she’s ever known, her memories shredded, the whispers of the past in shambles on the ground.
Can she find the strength to move forward, or will the truth destroy her?
Special Giveaway
Pre-order SILENT MAYHEM here: https://smarturl.it/Mayhem3 Did I mention it’s only 99c?
Save your receipt! Then send me a copy (either by email or message me on Facebook) and I’ll put your name into the drawing for a chance to win autographed paperbacks of the first two books in the series! On release day, April 24th, I’ll announce the two lucky winners. Good luck!!!
Want a sneak peek? Read Chapter One.

CS Boyack
Wonderful news. I love Shawnee and hope this one takes her sales to new heights.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Craig!!! I’ll tell Shawnee Lisa says hi. Hahahaha.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
Mae Clair
Totally pre-ordered! I love this series and Mr. Mayhem is my favorite of all your villains. And then there are those crows.
So excited for you, Sue, and so excited about this book. As for that cover–consider me gobsmacked!! I can’t stop looking at it. So creepy, compelling and outstanding!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mae!!! Mr. Mayhem’s one of my all-time favorite characters to write. I have such a blast with his and Shawnee’s “relationship.” 😉
It took us a while to get the cover just right, but I couldn’t be happier with the end result. I’m so glad you’re gobsmacked!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
Staci Troilo
Shawnee is deep and flawed and layered and real. And I love her. I’m glad we’re learning about her in drips and dribbles. It really does justice to her story that way.
I’m super excited for this book. The cover is gorgeous and the description compelling. I have no doubt it’s going to be another winner.
Staci Troilo recently posted…A Quick Irish Read for St. Patrick’s Day
Sue Coletta
Love your description of Shawnee, Staci! That sums her up perfectly.
I keep a notepad handy at all times. When I hear an especially snarky remark, I write it down for her. I die laughing at some of things she says. 😀
Thank you!!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
Garry Rodgers
Super congrats on finishing Silent Mayhem and getting it up for pre-order, Sue. I’ve already clicked the Zon and look forward to reading it. Nice to see you bring up deus ex machina – I agree it sucks and should never be used. Your writing style of dropping clues – some not so obvious – is the tried & true signature of great mystery/thriller writers and you’re well on your way to a permanent seat on their bus 🙂
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Garry! I’m psyched it’s finally up for preorder. I submitted the ms last October, but then my pub closed for the holidays (bad timing on my part). Which is why I’m writing my fingers to the bones to finish LURED this month and the next Mayhem by June. Wish me luck! 🤗
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
Denise Hendrickson
Thanks so much for sharing this Sue. I love it when we can find out additional information about the characters and how they came to be. It just makes it all the more real for me when I read. I love your mind and have really enjoyed both these series. I cannot wait to dive into Silent Mayhem. Best of luck on the new book.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Denise! ❤
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!
Margot Kinberg
I love it that you’ve shared some background here, Sue. And I respect you immensely for wanting to keep Shawnee different from Sage. They are different women with different faults and strengths and different backgrounds. I like it that their stories are different, just as all of ours are. Wishing you luck and gazillions and zabillions of sales!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Margot! When we juggle two series like mine, I think it’s important that they remain very different. What I never expected was for my audience to split down the middle, with half die-hard Mayhem fans and the other half die-hard Grafton County fans. It’s funny how that works. 🙂
Sue Coletta recently posted…Behind the Scenes of SILENT MAYHEM + Giveaway!