Crime Writers Resource
In the Crime Writers Resource page I’ve compiled links that contain everything a crime writer might need to create factually correct stories. I’ve also added in-depth craft resources, blogs, and more. Many contain information for all writers — fiction or non-fiction — regardless of genre.
You can reach the Crime Writers Resource from anywhere in the site with one click, in the main menu bar, or at the top of the page. If you find the Crime Writers Resource helpful, please help spread the word. If you’d prefer to get a taste of the goodies you’ll find here, read the post with the same name, Crime Writers Resource.
Crime Writers’ Resource
Homicide Detective Checklist: nmsoh.org/homicide_investigator_…
Crime Scene Forensics: crimescene-forensics.com/Crime_S…
Burglary Investigations: http://crimeandclues.com/2013/01/26/burglary-investigations/2/
Violent crime analysis — MO, signature, staging, and more: http://crimeandclues.com/2013/01/26/violent-crime-scene-analysis-modus-operandi-signature-and-staging/#more-40
Criminals — The sexual sadist: http://crimeandclues.com/2013/01/26/the-criminal-sexual-sadist/
Forensics — From determining death to crime scene analysis to rate of decomp, this site has it all: http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/
The Writers’ Forensic Blog: writersforensicsblog.wordpress.com
FBI Information on Serial Killers: fbi.gov/stats-services/publicati…
Forensic Outreach: http://www.forensicoutreach.com/
A Simplified Guide To Forensic Documentation: http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/docs/how.html
FBI Forensic Ink Analysis:
Glass Fracture Patterns:
Forensic Science Simplified by D.P. Lyle, MD: http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/index.htm
Analyzing Ballistic Evidence: http://www.amazon.com/ANALYZING-BALLISTIC-EVIDENCE-Investigator-ebook/dp/B004YWK9Q0/
Crime Scene Investigation http://www.crime-scene-investigator.net/index.html
Here’s an eye-opening post by Garry Rodgers entitled Mortis: Understanding Body Changes After Death
Jordan Dane wrote an excellent post with more research links. Which you can find HERE.
Everything you want to know about psychological issues, includes sections on the criminally insane. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. Psychopaths and sociopaths are lumped into one category, Antisocial Behaviors. This manual is commonly referred to as DSM-4 by psychiatrists, especially while testifying in court. Here’s the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM-IV_codes#Dissociative_disorders
UPDATE: The DSM-5 is out. Here’s the link: http://www.dsm5.org/Pages/Default.aspx
Experts in the field willing to answer questions for crime writers, who are bestselling crime writers themselves.
Garry Rodgers, veteran mounted police/homicide detective/coroner/firearms expert: www.dyingwords.net And here’s a link to his resource page: http://dyingwords.net/crime-writing-resources/#sthash.Hla7xwP5.dpbs
Gary released How To Write Deadly Crime Fiction (<-FREE) and How to Self-Edit Deadly Crime Fiction. I edited these guides, and gave my two-cents here and there. The first guide is mainly for aspiring writers; the second guide has advice from numerous industry professionals.
Lee Lofland, veteran officer/homicide detective/K9 handler/sniper: www.leelofland.com
Criminal Justice Writers:
Crime Writers Detective – Adam (no last name – works w/Major Crimes Div.) http://www.writersdetective.com. Adam has a new 5 week course for crime writers. The first session is free: Writers Detective 5-week Course.
Need help with weapons? Ben Sobieck, author of Writers Guide to Weapons, can help. http://www.crimefictionbook.com
Did you know the FBI will help you craft believable characters, answer questions, basically assist you with anything you need? They certainly will.
And here’s the link:
Does your detective live in the UK? Here are some helpful resources you: http://rebeccabradleycrime.com/2015/11/23/researching-policing-for-crime-novels/
Writer’s Knowledge Base — A search engine for writers, links compiled by Elizabeth Spann Craig. You might have seen her Twitterific Links on Fridays. This is where those links are stored. For writers of any genre, from writing tips to getting published to promoting your book, if you’ve got a question, try here first: http://hiveword.com/wkb/search
Excellent resources for writers of any genre — tips, tricks, techniques, in-depth look at the craft of storytelling, and more…
The Kill Zone, an award-winning blog dedicated to helping writers: https://killzoneblog.com
USA Today Bestselling Author Jordan Dane has a section on her website for writers. Click any title and the post will open. Here’s the link: http://jordandane.com/for-writers/
http://writeonsisters.com/ (a blog dedicated to craft)
http://colettesartor.com/writers-resources/ (this resource is chalk-full of info.)
Have you always wanted to write a novel but don’t know where to start? Bridget at Now Novel is an excellence resource, for the beginner to the seasoned. She provides tips, motivation, shares experiences on how to turn your book into a movie, anything and everything is available on her site–even Oprah stamped her approval!
Want to build your own website? Here’s a step-by-step guide: https://firstsiteguide.com/make-website/
Interested in a Criminal Justice degree? Perhaps your hero is a student who investigates crimes. If so, check out their career options: https://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/college-resource-center/career-options-for-criminal-justice-majors/
Best craft books, IMO:
Story Engineering and Story Physics by Larry Brooks
Story Fix: Transform Your Story From Broken to Brilliant by Larry Brooks
Blake Synder’s Save the Cat!
How To Write Dazzling Dialogue by James Scott Bell
The Last Fifty Pages by James Scott Bell
On Writing by Stephen King
Screenwriting by Syd Field
Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell
Getting into Character: Seven Secrets A Novelist Can Learn From Actors by Brandilyn Collins
http://www.storyfix.com (Larry Brooks’ website/blog — a must for all writers)
http://www.storygrid.com (Shawn Coyle’s website/blog — to delve deep into storytelling)
Larry Brooks’ ebookstore is now open, with craft books ranging from .99 – $2.99. To view go here: http://storyfix.com/the-storyfix-com-ebookstore
Getting into Character: Seven Secrets Novelists Can Learn From Actors by Brandilyn Collins.
More Resources…
The Kill Zone
Writers Helping Writers’ Resource Page
Fiona Quinn’s Thrill Writing – A wealth of info. for crime writers
My blogging bible, Blog it!, authored by Molly Greene, who has a site filled with excellent advice on blogging, writing, reviews, you name it and she has it.
Struggling with understanding passive voice? I wrote a post about it. Passive Voice Unmasked!
Do you write historical fiction from the flapper era? This site is like stepping back in time: http://www.theoldshelter.com
A student’s guide to forensic science, which is awesome! The post includes links for various forensic techniques; a plethora of information. Here’s the link: https://onlinenursing.regiscollege.edu/msn-to-doctor-of-nursing-practice/a-students-guide-to-forensic-science/
Looking for a career in forensic science? Online courses: https://online.maryville.edu/online-bachelors-degrees/forensic-psychology/
Here are a few posts by yours truly that might help. Feel free to browse the site for more articles.
Pinch Points in Fiction Writing
How To Craft A One-Page Synopsis
Story Structure In a Nutshell (how it relates to our lives)
Brand Building on Social Media
Make your story sizzle. Grammar Check has an excellent infograph on substitutes for boring words: http://www.grammarcheck.net/boring-words/
Interested in writing a series? Check out our group post by all members of the Kill Zone; it covers all aspects of series writing: https://killzoneblog.com/2019/01/tkz-members-weigh-in-on-series-writing.html
Just beginning your writing journey? Here’s a Resource Guide to Writing Basics
Because I’m slowly converting the urls on old posts, if you come across a link in one of the posts that sends you to “can’t find page,” simply type the title into the search box and you will be directed to the post. Thank you.
Crime Podcasts
An all FBI-related podcast. Jerri also has resources for writers on her site. http://jerriwilliams.com/hello/podcast-2/
There are over 18.5 million podcast episodes available on iTunes. In 2021 over 57 percent of the US population listened to a podcast, and over 100 million people listened to a podcast every week. As podcasts continue to proliferate, true crime has seen a huge surge in popularity as a genre: Top True Crime & Forensics Podcasts (2022)
If you aren’t already following this blog, subscribe to new posts via the pop-up or sidebar.
Searching for a way to commit murder? Get your copy of 60 Ways to Murder Your Fictional Characters. <– Click for a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside. Only 99c on Amazon.
Hi!, I stumble upon your blog when I’m researching about crimes and detective fiction and I just want to say I love you!…. You make it so much easier for us new aspiring writers! Bless you! Especially your blog about Police and Fed Terminology. Beyond amazing! Thank you!
Sue Coletta
Haha. My pleasure, Julie! Thank you!
Ravin Tija Maurice
Hi Sue!
Thanks for building such an awesome and comprehensive list!
I’m looking for something and I couldn’t find it in the list, I was wondering if you could help me.
I am trying to build a case file about the major crime that happens in my book, and I am wondering what information is contained in a multiple murder case file. Do you happen to know, or can you point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Ravin Tija Maurice
Sue Coletta
Hey, Ravin! Sorry for my late reply. Your comment got stuck my spam folder. *sigh*
It depends on how detailed you want to get. A case file would contain witness statements, toxicology results, autopsy reports, hair/fiber evidence reports, crime scene photos, photos of any shoe wear and/or tire impressions, bite mark impressions, if any, along with the report from the odontologist, sketch of the crime scene, photos of the body, fingerprint photos, latent or otherwise, along with the fingerprint examiners report, photos of all evidence collected, and other forensic reports, like from the entomologist and Medical Examiner. Then there’d be information about the victim (victimology details). If the FBI is asked to consult, the case file would also include the psychology profile of the offender. If you need more than this, I’ve listed experts on the Crime Writer’s Research page that are happy to help writers. Tell ’em Sue sent you. 😉
JB Clemmens
This is a great help! Thanks for sharing your resources. Keep sharing.
Sue Coletta
My pleasure, JB! Absolutely. Whenever I find new resources I add to this list. 🙂
Have you researched how many serial killers got drunk before killing and /or drank chronically? I think that’s the “fine line” that allows ppl to kill
Sue Coletta
I respectfully disagree, Holly. Alcohol may lower inhibitions, but the propencity to take a life has to live within them prior to drinking alcohol. It’s an interesting viewpoint, though.
Douglas R Thompson
I self-published my first book last May (Fully Human: The Story of a Man Called Yeshua,) and in writing it, did lots of research on Israel as it was in the first century.
I also enjoy reading crime and mystery novels, and now wish to take a crack at it. My protagonist will be a strong-willed woman, who figures things out using logic and investigative techniques that would be possible in the first century. In the first of a series, she will solve the murder of her sister’s husband.
Where might I go to find information about crimes that were solved without the use of modern techniques (fingerprints, DNA, etc.)? If possible, I would want to research real-life stories, rather than what other novelists have written. If you could point me in the right directions I would be grateful.
Sue Coletta
Hmm, I don’t research techniques from back in the day. Have you tried Googling [your era] + homicide cases? I bet you’d find links to real cases. Or try using a real killer’s name from the era you’re writing about. For example, the investigative techniques used to catch H.H. Holmes.
Cecelia Bonwick
Hi Sue, I love the informative set out you have here. I am also a writer…#clean #mystery #suspense #spy… I have my own web page… And was wondering if I can add a link to your website or sections of your webpage when we do a few changes on mine… My site is http://www.ceceliajbonwick.com... It would bring additional hits to your page which I know they will find more informative than mine. Celia J.
Sue Coletta
Hi Cecelia,
I have commentluv for that very reason. When you comment on one of my posts, you’ll get a link back to your website. Good luck with your new site!
Thank you Sue! I can’t wait to have a look around.
Sue Coletta
Look away, Linda. Enjoy!
You are amazing to have prepared this post. Wow.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Tess. *blush*
Thank you for sharing all of this! I can’t wait to go through this information. 🙂
Sue Coletta
It’s my pleasure, Rachel. Have fun!
Barry Knister
Sue–I am visiting your site for the first time, and want to thank you for the valuable information it offers to all crime fiction writers. I’ll be back–and I’ll look into your work.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Barry. I love sharing my research. Welcome!
Wonderful Site
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Philix!
Bridget-Now Novel (@nownovel)
Great selection of writing resources, Sue. I enjoyed your post on building a social media presence too. I’ve also found Pinterest to be particularly effective for gaining more visitors to Now Novel. This is most likely due to the longevity of pins vs, for example, tweets that disappear into the internet ether so quickly.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Bridget! Yes, I’ve just discovered how powerful Pinterest is. I should update my previous post.
Hey, I noticed yesterday that Oprah stamped her approval on your blog. Impressive!
Nancy Hudgins
Wow! What a wealth of information!
Sue Coletta
Hahaha! Love your reaction. Have fun digging around!
Cat Robson
Thanks, Sue, for the wealth of useful links and crime resources. As I tie up some FBI-related details in my noir novel, they are coming in very handy.
Sue Coletta
That’s wonderful, Cat! I’m thrilled you’ve been finding it useful. Good luck with your new book, noir is hugely popular now.
Verge Le Noir
Hey there Sue,
I’m a bit ‘new’ to the whole self-pub Crime writer thing-y, and I can’t believe I didn’t came over here sooner your resources are plentiful and very informative. Thank you for posting this.
Sue Coletta
You’re welcome, Verge! Though I’m not a self-published author, I do believe in sharing the nuggets of gold I discover along my writing path. Best of luck to you. I wish you HUGE success!
Robin Rivera
Hi Sue. I didn’t know about this resource until today. It’s so helpful. Thank you for putting this together. And it’s a real honor to see my blog included on your list. Thank you so much for the mention.
Sue Coletta
Oh, my pleasure. I love your blog. Normally, I’m more involved with commenting and sharing, but lately ‘real life’ has gotten in the way. I’m hopeful that will change real soon. Write On, Sister! (too good to pass up.)
Gippy Adams Henry (@gippyhenry)
This is a wonderful collection of information that will help me greatly as a new crime writer. I can’t thank you enough for posting this.
Sue Coletta
You are more than welcome, Gippy. It’s my pleasure to share the treasures I’ve dug up along the way. I eat, sleep, and breathe crime. 🙂
I add to this list periodically. If you’re looking for something and can’t find it let me know. I’d be glad to help any way I can.
Dana Delamar
Awesome! Thanks so much for compiling all of this, Sue!
My pleasure, Dana! I’m always happy to share what I’ve learned. Glad you found it useful!
This is wonderful! Thank you so much!! I’ve added a link to my Writers’ Resources Page (http://colettesartor.com/writers-resources/) under “Craft Advice.”
That’s so nice of you! I’ll have to check it out. Our names are so similar that for a moment I thought you spelled my name wrong. LOL