Emerging Evil – #flashfiction
She screams, a high-pitch shrill that cuts right behind my eyes. Against my will the corners of my lips arch, but I force them down. Maybe I should let her go.
Do it.
But what if someone saw my van?
Do it.
The woman begs, her voice barely audible now. “Please, mister, don’t hurt me.”
Do it now, you idiot!
I shield my ears, but it’s no use. The voice taunts me, dares me to continue. Every part of my being yearns to comply…except a haunting memory from yesteryear, a child who hangs on to Sunday mornings from my youth—wooden pews, leather-clad bibles, the overwhelming power of His word.
Maybe I should let her go.
Do it.
I shrug off the hesitation and stare at her nakedness. Porcelain-white skin, honey-blonde curls that spill in ringlets over a sculptured shoulder. And she’s mine, all mine. This time no one can take her away. Moonlight cascades through the basement window. Misty, diffused, the smoldering glow kisses my blade. I step closer, and she thrashes in the restraints.
Do it.
I loom over her face. Tiny flecks of gold swim in widened copper eyes. I brush my hand across her cheek. Her skin is flawless, silky. With a deep inhale I flare my nostrils and breathe her in. Sandalwood, lotus flower, a hint of vanilla.
Do it.
With my fingertips I trace her cheek, her jaw, across the collarbone to the soft V at the base of her neck. Her jugular pulses through the skin. One slash is all it would take. But she’s so perfect, so gorgeous lying there.
Do it.
I sift my fingers through her hair.
“Please, mister.” Tears hitch her shaky voice. “I’ll do anything you want.”
My upper lip curls in disdain. “You mean sex?”
“If you let me go…”
I told you she’s a whore. Do it!
I stuff a white gag in her mouth and knot the ends around the back of her skull. I close my eyes and allow the fantasy to emerge, the mental image that holds my deepest desires, the ultimate temptation.
Do it.
I level the blade at her throat. Her chin dimples, quivers in fear. Tears deluge her eyes, skim the sides of her face in straight lines, and pool on the steel table, her blonde locks wicking the moisture.
With my thumb I sweep away her sadness. “Shhh…it’ll be over soon.”
My resistance is weakening. Everything about this woman ignites the evil within, the beast I’ve kept at bay.
Do. It. Now.
Silent and swift, I draw the blade across her throat. Warm blood strikes my face, her very essence spurts to the rhythm of her heart. Crimson liquid weeps from the incision. Her eyes roll back in her head, lashes fluttering like a raven’s dying wings.
As the death rattle echoes in her throat, I lean forward in search of that brief moment of clarity when her soul escapes the confines of her body, her finality and my becoming.
With a final gasping breath, her muscles ease. A quick streak of light soars toward the heavens, and a lone tear trickles down my cheek.
Mother hollers down the basement stairs, “What’s all that racket?”
I glimpse the knife in my hand, blood dripping in anticipation. I glance over my shoulder at Mother’s shadow, reflected on the sheetrock, mocking me, testing my resolve. The last trace of doubt melts away like wax to a flame.
Slowly I rotate toward her.
Do it.
I snicker. “Coming, Mother.”

Unleashed the worst and find the best (irrational or rational) of it!!!
As always, posted at tweeter.
Sue Coletta
LOL Thank you so much for all your support, Eve. You’re awesome!
Coletta, please more, love your story. I just fascinated & a fan now of both.
As always, I’m surprise with your blog?
Sue Coletta
I’ll post more, Eve. In fact, I’m almost done with a collection of flash fiction stories. I’m so glad you enjoy my work. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that.
Andrè M. Pietroschek
I try micro-poetry on it:
Sue Coletta
unleashes the Beast
which carves its way
from her words
straight into our minds!
But actually I could just note *Shriek!*, as alternate summary. Very well-done, especially for a ‘first-timer’.
Sue Coletta
Ha! Love it! Thank you, Andre.
Andrè M. Pietroschek
Thank you for that benevolent and kind attitude. Goodbye!
Sue Coletta
Bye! Have an awesome day!!!
Mae Clair
So, so creepy. A really powerful short, Sue. And the ending rocks! 🙂
Mae Clair recently posted…My Favorite Tools for Twitter by Mae Clair
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Mae. Glad you liked it.
Jennifer Chase
Creeeepy times 10. 🙂
Jennifer Chase recently posted…Classic Cop Movies: The Real Stories Behind the French Connection and Serpico
Sue Coletta
David Villalva
Yo Sue, loved this. I’m so glad you shared it.
And honestly, I can read the crazy (not psycho) improvement in your writing as well. (I mean from Marred to this, and that’s saying something because Marred was solid.)
Okay, fine. You may be psycho over crazy but we can still be best friends forever as long as you sign off on my NDA (Non-Decapitation Agreement). 😉
David Villalva recently posted…Are You Guilty of Hoarding This Valuable Thing?
Sue Coletta
I almost didn’t share it, David, because I can never tell if a piece will work for anyone but me. Sign a NDA? Hmm…can I think about it? LOL
Thank you. It’s nice to have validation of improvement. 🙂
Glen Donaldson
This piece definitely gets the ‘Norman Bates Stamp of Approval’.
Favourite line? “Her eyes roll back in her head, lashes fluttering like a raven’s dying wings.” Am I allowed to say ‘killer fiction’?
Sue Coletta
I almost named him Norman, too. Killer fiction–love it! Thanks, Glen.
R. Michael Phillips
Very well written! Flash fiction is a talent, and you’ve got it.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Michael. I never thought I could write flash, and then this came to me when I was falling asleep.
Chris Sarantopoulos
Well done, Sue. A well-crafted piece.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Chris. I never know if it’s going to work, which is why I posted it. Glad you enjoyed it.
Garry Rodgers
Cool, Sue. Freakishly cool! Surreal job on flash fiction… at least I hope this is fiction… please tell me it’s fiction…
Sue Coletta
It’s fiction. But now you know what goes on inside my head. LOL Welcome to my world. 🙂
Garry Rodgers
I can relate about strange things going on inside the head 😉
Sue Coletta
Wow! Nice bit of micro-fiction.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Craig. I don’t often write micro-fiction, or flash, or whatever they call it these days, but I figured I’d try my hand. Always good to challenge ourselves, right?
Absolutely. I love the stuff. That image looks kind of like Steven Tyler.
Craig recently posted…Writing isn’t all about word count
Sue Coletta
OMG, it does!
Margot Kinberg
*Shudder* That’s a really creeeepy story, Sue! Lots of suspense and tension, and hints of what’s been and what’s to come.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Margot. I was playing around and figured I share. 🙂