Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Most female serial killers work alone, and they’re quite good at it. It’s a mistake to underestimate a woman where serial murder is concerned.
A study from Penn State reclassified the average female serial killer profile, and the results sound like half the women I know.
- Middle-to-upper class
- Married or divorced
- Usually Christian
- Average intelligence
- Some college, a degree, or extra education of some sort;
- Average upbringing
- Not drop-dead beautiful, but she’s not an ugly duckling, by any means;
- Confident & self-assured, even if she hides her confidence at times;
- Often works as a nurse, caregiver, teacher, prostitute; she could even teach Sunday school
Different MO’s Than Men
Male and female serial killers have a lot more differences than similarities, and most are misreported. Even the reasons why they kill differ. Male serial murderers desire domination, control, and sexual violence. Females are more likely to kill for power or money, as a means to improve their lifestyle. Male serial killers choose strangers, while females usually kill someone they know — friend, family, or acquaintance.
Women also tend to kill in familiar places such as their home, workplace (a hospital, for example), or child-care setting, unlike their male counterparts who kill wherever suits them at the time.
Women Gather, Men Hunt
Meaning, female serial killers gather their victims around them while males tend to troll for the perfect prey. Due to these differences, female serial killers are able to avoid capture, on average, for at least twice as long as male serial killers.
Even with this new profile of the most common female serial killer, there are exceptions. One of the most vicious is Joanne Dennehy, who shattered the atypical female serial killer vision of the woman who uses quieter means of killing—poison, drugs, suffocation—or the woman who’s under the control of a lover or spouse.
Dennehy killed because she loved the sight and smell of blood. She later told a psychiatrist, “I killed to see if I was as cold as I thought I was. Then it got moreish.”
Her killing spree began with fatally stabbing Lukasz Slaboszewski, a Polish national, after luring him to a property for sex. Second to die was John Chapman, a 56-year-old who rented a room in the same property as Dennehy. While Chapman sprawled on the sofa, high on alcohol and drugs, Dennehy stabbed him over 30 times. Afterward, she told her 7’ 3” accomplice Gary Stretch, “Oops, I’ve done it again.”
“Accomplice” might be a bit misleading. Stretch was her lapdog who helped her dispose of the bodies, but didn’t have a hand in the actual murders.
Later the same day, Dennehy murdered her third victim, landlord and lover Kevin Lee (48 y.o.). After stabbing him in the neck and chest, she dressed Kevin’s body in a black sequined dress and posed him in a sexual manner to humiliate him after death—for fun! She also never cleaned the blade, which she sharpened several times per day, so she could later smell the blood and relive the crime.
Next came trolling for dog walkers. Two of whom she stabbed in a frenzied attack. Miraculously, both men survived. She had no particular reason to murder dog walkers other than they narrowed down the victim pool. As in, “Today, the next person I see with a dog dies.”
Dennehy planned to kill nine men like her idols, Bonnie and Clyde, but police caught her two days after going on the run. Which raises an interesting question. Did she get caught sooner than the average female serial killer because she leaned more toward the traits of a male serial killer? When you think about it, none of her actions aligned with the female serial killer profile.
- involved others in her crimes;
- classified as a lust killer or thrill killer; even during masturbation she’d knife her own stomach;
- attacked two strangers at random;
- killed away from her home or workplace;
- posed a body for public viewing;
- trolled for two victims.
Perhaps that was her downfall.
After her conviction in 2014, Dennehy threatened to kill Rosemary West mere minutes after arriving at the same prison. Long time readers of this blog might remember my post on serial killing couples where I featured Fred and Rosemary West. Prison officials took the threat so seriously that they stuck West in solitary confinement while they arranged a transfer to a different prison.
No one doubts that Joanne Dennehy will kill again. It’s simply a matter of when. On her first day at her new digs behind bars, she had every inmate at her beck and call. Dennehy slipped into the Top Dog position, and she won’t let anyone take that title away.
Aileen Wuornos, who murdered seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990 by shooting them at point-blank range, rose to infamy because she was atypical of female serial killers. But compared to the evil inside Joanne Dennehy, she looked like a pussy cat.
Woman Plan Every Detail
Both male and female serial killers fantasize about killing for years prior to committing the act. However, according to Psychology Today, females are much more meticulous in their fantasy life, planning how to dispose of the victim after death and even, what sounds the victim might make while dying.
One inmate stated:
I knew he would grunt when I strangled him because the cats did. I practiced on the cats for months … they all grunted before they died … I liked the way I felt when I strangled them, so I dreamed about it. I made my victims grunt in my fantasy life.
According to Radford University, 514 female serial killers have stalked the streets since 1910. Of course, we only know about the ones who’ve been caught. Given the lengths most female serial killers will go to evade detection, the number could be much higher.
Still think female serial killers aren’t up for the job? Deborah Schurman-Kauflin PhD doesn’t believe that. In fact, she’s created a seven-step process to work a female serial killer case.
Women commit approximately 17% of all serial homicides in the U.S. Yet, interestingly enough, only 10% of the total murders in the U.S. Statistically speaking, women represent a larger percentage of serial murders than any other kind of homicide in the U.S.
What does this prove?
Be kind to your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, daughter, and/or friend. If you don’t like the new dish she’s prepared for the holiday meal, eat it anyway. Better to be safe than sorry. 🙂
In other news …
Tirgearr Publishing contracted my Mayhem Series, and gave BLESSED MAYHEM a new spiffy cover. Both books are on sale for 99c for one week only! If you haven’t read the Mayhem Series, now’s the perfect time to start.
99c Sale for WINGS OF MAYHEM, Book 1: https://smarturl.it/Mayhem1
99c Sale for BLESSED MAYHEM, Book 2: https://smarturl.it/Mayhem2
Silent Mayhem releases in early 2019!

Shalet Jimmy
Such a good resource for writers who are interested in crime noir. Accidentally stumbled upon your blog and I am happy that I did it. Should delve more deeply into it.
Sue Coletta
Thank you!
MJ Payne
Fascinating. I like those funny pictures you added they really made me laugh. When I think about the women in my family (on my father’s side) I always remember how sneaky the abuse was from my grandmother. She did everything at home and her victims were always children. It was all under the guise of care. The men were straightforwardly violent and I never had any love/hate problems with them. I just hated them. But I loved my grandmother very much. That really twists a person around. When my mother finally took me away I had a real fit because I was so bonded with my grandmother and how she rocked me to sleep in the rocking chair every night. It was complex. So I don’t find this information very shocking as I watched her bash a cat’s head in as she chased it around the yard. She loved to wring the necks of chickens destined for the pot and control everyone around her. Good for you, Sue, in writing this post. The men get all the flak, but women can be deftly evil and it’s hard to hate them for it sometimes.
MJ Payne recently posted…tapit juveniles adding spice to the holiday season from bloodstock in the bluegrass by frank mitchell
Sue Coletta
I have a blast making those photos. LOL
You really nailed it, MJ. Women can be more cunning. They tend to play with their victims’ emotions, morphing one moment into a caring person and the next, the mask comes off.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
sherry fundin
Oh Yeah! Women serial killers…love it. I have Wings of Mayhem, and it looks like I need to get reading it. Moving it up the list!
sherry fundin recently posted…A Deadly Prehistoric Creature Emerges – Camouflage @ivy_keating @ScottSpotson
Sue Coletta
Yay! Thanks, Sherry. <3
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Juliana Southwick
I think you’d be interested in reading up on Countess Elizabeth Báthory (if you haven’t already). She was a late 16th-early 17th century Hungarian Countess and female serial killer who, along with Vlad the Impaler, likely helped inspire the creation of Stoker’s Dracula. She was another woman who didn’t fit the typical female serial killer M.O., as she was quite clearly a sadistic lust/thrill killer who, in the time and place where she lived, was able to kill with impunity for many years, until she apparently ran out of peasant girls and started killing off the lesser nobility’s daughters. Absolutely fascinating case, all the way around.
Juliana Southwick recently posted…Whose Book Did They Think They Were Reading Anyway? (A reaction to several ironic negative reviews of neuroscientist James H. Fallon’s book, The Psychopath Inside)
Sue Coletta
Ooh, that does sound fascinating, Juliana. And so does your comment luv post! I loved James Fallon’s TedTalk.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Staci Troilo
You always have the most interesting information. Those statistics are chilling. Thanks for sharing.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Staci! Hope you had a nice weekend.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Mae Claie
Because women are usually nurturing, thinking of them as serial killers is all the more freaky. Then again there is Countess Elizabeth Báthory as far back as the 1500s who makes horrific sound tame.
Good post, Sue. Great to see you back, and congrats on the new Mayhem cover!
Sue Coletta
I agree, Mae. Thank you!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
CS Boyack
Really interesting stuff. Hope you’re feeling better.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Craig. Long weekend at the Christmas Fair, so I’m a little behind, but I’m slowly catching up. 🙂
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Earl Staggs
Sue, I’ve profiled a few serial killers in a series of articles called “History’s Rich With Mysteries.” One of the most remarkable was a woman named Belle Gunness. Authorities estimate she killed as many as 40 people. Among the victims were husbands, wannabe husbands and, worst of all, her own children. The essay is here if anyone wants to read it:
Earl Staggs recently posted…AN INTERVIEW WITH TALL CHAMBERS
Sue Coletta
Ooh, thanks for the link, Earl! I’m always interested in serial killer profiles. Sadly, female serial killers often murder their children.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Gippy Adams Henry
Wow, I had no idea there were so many women who kill for reasons other than pay-backs to men for the way they were treated in the past. It’s kind of shocking some just have the killer instinct it seems. Thanks for sharing this, Sue.
Sue Coletta
My pleasure, Gippy! Female serial killers are very chilling, because they look and act so normal. They’re also sneaky and private. Unlike Joanne Dennehy, many of them don’t need notoriety, so they don’t take trinkets or taunt police with cryptic letters. Which makes them even harder to catch.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Garry Rodgers
Amazing stats, Sue. I had no idea there are/were so many female serial killers. The ones I’ve heard of were in the health care industry and murdered patients. And a 7’3″ accomplice named “Stretch”? What’s the chances 🙂
Sue Coletta
Hahaha. The name suits him! Dennehy also used two other men to help dispose of her victims, but Stretch seemed like her favorite. All three men were captivated by her.
The most chilling aspect of female serial killers is that the police aren’t equipped to investigate their murders like they are male serial killers. They really need to be looked at differently in order to catch them. I bet there are more active female serial killers in the U.S. than males. Which is chilling, given how sneaky they are.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
JP McLean
Always fascinating (and a little terrifying)!
Sue Coletta
Right, JP? She could be any one of us. Brrr …
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Very interesting. Love the little photos & their captions too!
Sue Coletta
Hahaha. I have fun with the photos, Barbara. They help to lighten the mood. Thank you!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Priscilla Bettis
The average female serial killer profile sounds freakishly like “the woman next door.” Eek.
I hope your book signing today went well!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…How I Know I’m Gonna Win NaNoWriMo!
Sue Coletta
Doesn’t she? Our best friends could be female serial killers.
Thanks, Priscilla! Two book signings down, one to go (today)!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Earl Staggs
Very interesting, Sue, and educational. Thanks.
Earl Staggs recently posted…AN INTERVIEW WITH TALL CHAMBERS
Sue Coletta
My pleasure, Earl. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Margot Kinberg
This is as interesting as it is unsettling, Sue. Female serial killers have their own mentalities and ways of doing things, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less vicious or dangerous. And I can see how they’d escape notice for a long time. Thanks for sharing this.
Sue Coletta
I found the stats chilling, too, Margot. It didn’t surprise me that female serial killers are more cunning than their male counterparts, though. What’s also interesting is the fact that female serial killers are evolving with the times, their crimes becoming more and more vicious as women gain more independence. Psychologically speaking, I’m fascinated by the shift.
Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked
Sue Coletta
Please excuse me if I’m late responding to comments. My book signing starts in one hour. Hope you all have an amazing day! I’ll be back <-- read in the Terminator's voice 🙂 Sue Coletta recently posted…Female Serial Killers — Unmasked