Haunting Memories #FlashFiction
The day my life imploded I was barely seventeen. Many might’ve considered me an adult, but that didn’t make the crushing pain any easier to absorb. She was my whole world, my everything, and when I lost her I knew I’d never be the same.
For weeks I sat vigil at her bedside, covered in welts, hoping and praying she’d pull through. I put on a good front, never let her see me cry. I even secured an ambulance to take her home for her birthday.
Nothing worked. No matter what I did I couldn’t erase the damage he’d done.
I stroked her hand, read to her.
She didn’t respond.
I kissed her cheek, brushed her hair.
Nothing. Not even a blink.
“Mom,” I cried out, “please don’t leave me.” Tears washed my face, my heart shattering like a bullet through stain glass. I turned my gaze to the Christmas lights around the window. If only I could wish her injuries away. Sadly, there was too much damage.
Why did I go out that night? I should’ve stayed home. Alone, she never stood a chance. The stranger snuck through the unlocked window, into her bedroom. Before she knew what hit her, he pounced, leveling a blade to her throat, stabbing in a rage-filled frenzy. When I arrived home the house was unusually quiet. I crept up the stairs, but something — a yearning, a pull, maybe intuition — told me to check on her.
If only I hadn’t opened that door.
On the walls, the headboard, speckles on the ceiling. Her lifeblood, her very essence, bathed the room in a mural of lunacy. By some miracle she remained alive. Or was it? Maybe if she died instantly she wouldn’t have suffered so.
Like any good daughter I called nine-one-one, my hands trembling and bloody. A gurgling diverted my attention. “It’s me, Mom. Help is on the way. Stay with me.” I wailed, my words almost incoherent. “Please don’t leave me. I won’t make it without you.” I lowered my ear to her lips.
She whispered, “I love you” as if for the very last time.
The paramedics ordered me out of the room so they could work on her. I stood in horror. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Everyone loved Mom. She had no enemies. Never in her life did she harm a living soul. Hell, she never even uttered a cross word…except for the time she caught me smoking weed out the bedroom window. But even then, she seemed more disheartened than anything else, her judgmental glare shaming me from the inside out.
A week before Christmas she died. Every day after I received a present in the mail, with a note from the great beyond. “Be a good girl. All my love, Mom.” She’d preordered my gifts. But how did she know? Did she sense her time was coming to an end? Did she meet the stranger who’d followed her home?
I collected the gifts, never opened a one till Christmas Eve. That night I sat cross-legged on the floor at the foot of tiny white lights shimmering on the tree. All alone in the world. My father died years before. My brother took off to God knows where. And Mom, well, she wouldn’t be home for Christmas ever again. It’s only me…a tiny dot in an angry, hateful world of agony.
Yet one glimmer of hope taunted me on the horizon…just out of reach. One shred of mercy. One final pardon for my insignificance.
If I could hang on long enough, maybe I’d struggle through. But my body was weakening — so damn tired of fighting, of elbowing my way through the sludge.
I drew the blade up my last unscathed wrist, slashed open my veins. The water crimsoned, a film of old bubbles surfing blood-red ripples. I reclined my head against the tub, closed my eyes. The darkness brought peace, arms wide, welcoming me home. Nothing frightened me here. My soul floated on a bed of wisps, swaying gently, navigating my journey into the abyss. Away from the anger, from the sadness and pain. The haunting memories of yesterdays fading like taillights on an empty hearse, trailing into the blackness, destruction left in its wake.
When I drew my final breath, an image emerged, a devastating truth that consumed my every inch, my very being. The maw of nevermore opened in anticipation, flames fringing the mouth of madness, girded by screams of terror and anguish. The killer who destroyed my life wasn’t a stranger. The face that haunted my dreams, the evil doer who didn’t know hesitation, who didn’t know right from wrong, who didn’t know real life from imagined, the shadowy beast Mom feared…lived inside me.

Eve Anderson
I cannot speak. I know everyone of us had some evil inside. But, this touch me too much. I just had my Mom bed ridden & I took care of her.
Hope that never let that evil (monster, madness) out.
Sorry, I didn’t like to air my personal life & you didn’t know.
Sue Coletta
I’m so sorry for your loss, Eve. Several parts of this story is based in truth…how I felt when I lost my mom and the gifts afterward (different notes, of course), so I get it. *hugs*
Traci Kenworth
Oh, how sad and terrifying to be both the monster and the one in mourning. Great job!!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Traci. Sad and terrifying was exactly what I was going for. 🙂
Mike Pettit
BRAVO!!!! That was an excellent read, Ms Coletta.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mike!!!
Brendon La Lure
I happened across this flash fiction having been lured here by your wonderful newsletter (and if anyone reading this comment has not yet signed up, well, get on with it, what is the matter with you?)….I am so pleased I did…from the first few lines I was helplessly drawn into the harrowing scene, oh what a brilliantly written story, emotional, powerful and what a superb twist at the end, I loved it. It was one of those moments when you feel yourself wanting to read faster because you can’t wait to discover what happens, all whilst feeling that the story is in itself a bag of your favourite sweets, and the faster you eat ’em, the faster they’re gone, and you regret reading so fast because you know you should really savour each precious moment….yes, it was that good, simply breathtaking….and unlike my everlasting non-existent gobstoppers, I went back and read it all again! You have a talent Sue, you should abuse it unashamedly and write, write, write, your fans need more….lure, lure and thrice lure……
Sue Coletta
You are the sweetest!!! Love the name too, Brendon La Lure. LOL Thank you, my friend. Your comment means the world to me.
JHolmes, author
Excellent, Sue! Great twist at the end. Thank you for sharing!
JHolmes, author recently posted…Loglines, and Pitches, and Queries — Oh My!
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Julie!
Gippy Adams Henry
I agree with all here–never saw that ending coming. Very powerful writing and compact, yet full of suspense. I will remember this, I’m sure, in that part of my brain reserved for shocking endings, along with a story of a red balloon I read a few years ago. You sure are talented, Sue! More, please!!!
Gippy Adams Henry recently posted…HTTPS Everywhere: Encryption for All WordPress.com Sites
Sue Coletta
Wow. I’m blown away by your kind words. Thank you so much, Gippy. I’m working on more now. 🙂
Michelle Stanley
Wow! That was a terrific story, so intense. Never saw that ending coming at all and loved it.
Sue Coletta
Hi Michelle! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.
Mae Clair
Powerful and packed with emotion, Sue. A superb read that brought chills and anguish. Bravo!
Mae Clair recently posted…A THOUSAND YESTERYEARS Reviewed by New York Times Bestselling Author, Kevin O’Brien
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mae!
Amy Valentini
Gave me chills, Sue. That was great! 🙂
Amy Valentini recently posted…The Singular ‘Their’ corrected by the Comma Queen
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Amy!!
Nicholas C. Rossis
Sue Coletta
Brilliant post, enjoyed it so very much.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mary. 🙂
That was excellent. I never saw it coming. Great, if horrible, ending. Well done!
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Valerie. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Donna Barker
From the opening few lines in the email — which FORCED me to the website to read more — to the end, I was enthralled. And like everyone else, I did not see that ending coming.
Sue Coletta
Ah, my evil plan worked. Mwahahaha. LOL Thanks, Donna. Enjoy your Sunday!
Loved reading this. A wonderful story.
Sue Coletta
And now, you’re making me blush. 🙂
Susan Nicholls
Ooooo. Wild and creepy. Very well written.
Sue Coletta
Why, thank you. *curtsys* I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Roland Clarke
Never read/saw that ending coming. Sure the clues are there…if I know what to look for.
Roland Clarke recently posted…H for Healthcare – #atozchallenge
Sue Coletta
That’s the magic of flash. 🙂 Enjoy your Sunday, Roland.
Margot Kinberg
Oh, Sue, that’s powerful! Really absorbing! I want to know more about that girl, no doubt about that. And you share a lot without going on too much, which is always a plus. I hope you’ll do this sort of thing again.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Margot. I write flash all the time, so I’ll be sharing more of it in the future. So glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Garry Rodgers
Wow! Powerfully written! Did NOT see that coming!
Sue Coletta
Love the reactions!!! Thank you, Garry. *blush*
Good story, Sue. A frightening twist at the end. It took me totally by surprise. Well done. —- Suzanne
patriciaruthsusan recently posted…#Authors, #Writers, How to get IDEAS Infographic…
Sue Coletta
Glad you enjoyed it, Patricia. Happy Sunday!
Whoa! Outstanding story, and I never saw it coming. It fits my story trick perfectly.
Craig recently posted…A short fiction trick
Sue Coletta
LOL Thanks! When I read your short fiction trick I couldn’t believe how well it fit. That’s when I figured I’d post it. 🙂
You should share more of these, or stockpile them for publication like I do.
Sue Coletta
I will. I love writing flash. It’s such a nice change from novel writing. I was thinking of compiling a book of short fiction. It seems to be hot right now.
Fifth Monkey
may I encourage you to flash more often? :))
and I have a huge hug for you {SC}
why? “might’ve” made me smile
Fifth Monkey
been listening to a bit of Jay Shetty today
Sue Coletta
I haven’t listened to him. Is he inspiring?
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Fifth Monkey. I love flash fiction and write it often, but I’ll take the hug. 🙂 I’m so glad I “might’ve” made you smile.