How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
In 1992, Dr. Mike Aamodt started collecting and coding data on serial murderers. Today, the Radford Serial Killer Database contains 3,304 serial killers, mass murderers, spree killers, and other types of multiple murderers.
With over 9,000 victim profiles and over 500 documents, it’s the largest non-governmental serial murderer database in the world. Over 175 variables separate the data into subject, including background information, victim preference, victim treatment, and information about lesser crimes committed by serial killers.
The Radford Serial Killer Database gathers information from public documents, including websites, books, court documents, and government agencies.
The data is then made available in both a case study format and as ready-to-use statistical information. Membership for the Radford Serial Killer Database Project is also offered to folks pursuing recognized academic research. Applicants must provide credentials from an accredited University or law enforcement agency and state the reason why they want access.
Some of the data may surprise you. Take a moment to prepare or grab your favorite beverage. I’ll wait. 🙂
Ready? Cool. Let’s do this.
What MO is the most popular among serial killers?
According to the database …
Death by Gun Shot — 977 serial killers preferred this murder method.
- 482 used a handgun
- 59 used a shotgun
- 45 used a rifle
- The database doesn’t clarify the remaining 391
Strangulation — 786 serial killers killed this way.
Sharp Force – Stabbing — 708
Poison — 184
Suffocation — 108
Drowning — 66
Fire — 42
Sharp Force – chop (like an ax) — 17
Poison – Medical (for example: an angel of death in hospital/nursing home setting) — 13
Vehicle — 11
Starvation — 8 (this one really surprised me! Imagine the patience it takes to starve someone to death?)
Hanging — 5
Shaken Baby Syndrome — 3
Staged Accident — 2
Gassed — 1
Thrown from Cliff — 1
Ordered Hit — 0 (hitmen don’t fall under the classification of serial killer)
Which race has the most serial murderers?
White — 1660 (Meaning, 1660 serial killers are Caucasian)
Black — 859
Asian — 160
Hispanic — 148
Native American — 16 (17, if you count Mr. Mayhem 😉 )
Other — 2
Which country has the most active serial murderers?
United States — 1948 active serial killers roam the streets today. Let that number sink in.
England — 109
South Africa — 94
Italy — 93
Germany — 78
Canada — 69
Australia — 55
France — 53
Japan — 40
India — 39
Russia — 37
China — 30
Mexico — 24
Austria — 18
Scotland — 14
Brazil — 14
Spain — 11
Poland — 10
Iran — 8
Columbia — 7
Belgium — 7
Thailand — 6
Wales — 6
Kenya — 5
Pakistan — 5
Greece — 5
Switzerland — 5
Sweden — 5
South Korea — 5
Singapore — 4
Philippines — 4
Hungary — 4
Indonesia — 4
Israel — 4
Vietnam — 4
Czech Republic — 4
Swaziland, Romania, Macedonia, Finland, New Zealand, Turkey, Bermuda, Uganda, Yemen, Hong Kong — all have 3 active serial killers.
Zimbabwe, Morocco, Ecuador, Norway, Northern Ireland, Guatemala, Bahamas, Argentina, Panama, Ireland, Jordan, Egypt, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Uruguay — all have 2 active serial killers.
Botswana, Bosnia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Venezuela, Nepal, Afghanistan, Estonia, Holland, Ghana, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Latvia, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, El Salvador, Belarus, Syrian Arab Republic, Malta, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Portugal, Slovakia, Peru, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Angola, Antigua — all have only 1 active serial killer.
Which US state do serial murderers prefer?
The numbers below correspond to where they kill from 1900 – 2019. Meaning, a serial killer may live in one state and kill in another. The added commentary is not based in fact. Just tryin’ to make statistics more fun. 😉
CA — 310 serial killers avoided falling coconuts while committing serial murder in California.
FL — 242 serial killers admired flamingos and tiptoed around crocs while murdering Florida residents.
TX — 187 serial murderers outran the Texas Rangers while killing 187 frightened residents.
NY — 155 serial killers sang, “I love New York” while murdering the population.
IL — 119 serial killers stopped by the legendary Chicago Theatre after each murder.
OH — 94 serial killers are probably responsible for the missing girls, among others.
GA — 89 Devils Went Down to Georgia.
PA — 85 serial killers stopped for a Philly cheese steak and prayed Coroner Graham Hetrick didn’t investigate the murders.
MI — 82 serial killers dipped their toes in the Great Lake in celebration of their latest conquest.
MO — 77 serial murderers had plenty of residents to choose from with a population of over six million.
WA — 75 serial killers sat on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, with blood on their hands as they contemplated who to target next.
NC — 69 serial killers played golf with potential murder victims.
VA — 69 serial killers flipped the bird at Quantico headquarters with a murder victim in the trunk.
IN — 64 serial killers celebrated a kill by sprinting across the University of Notre Dame campus with a football.
LA — 61 serial killers played eenie, meenie, miney, mo for which swamp to use as a dump site.
AZ — 59 serial killers tiptoed around scorpions while dumping bodies.
MD — 53 serial murderers dumped victims in Maryland for some unknown reason.
NJ — 53 serial killers tried to talk “wise guy” like Tony Soprano after they murdered someone new.
AL — 51 serial killers stopped for biscuits and gravy after a murder spree.
OK — 51 serial murders … no idea. Yelled, “Hee-haw!” after each kill?
CO — 48 serial killers had to avoid moose and antelope on their way back to the getaway vehicle after each murder.
TN — 48 serial murderers line-danced after most killing sprees.
NV — 48 serial killers tried their luck at the slots post-murder.
OR — 41 serial killers had umpteen places to dump a body where it might never be found.
SC — 40 serial murderers went out for a round of golf after each kill. (Golf must be a favorite pastime in the Carolinas. ;-))
MA — 39 serial killers dealt with the craziest drivers in the US while escaping their flourishing mass graves.
KY — 38 serial killers kicked back after each murder to watch Justified on Netflix while sipping moonshine.
KS — 34 serial murderers thought BTK was a joke in comparison.
MS — 32 serial killers also had to learn how to spell Mississippi in grammar school, and brushed up on their spelling after each kill.
DC — 30 serial killers were also confused by this abbreviation, but since they murdered here, they had a better shot of figuring it out. Washington DC, maybe?
CT — 30 serial killers outran numerous speeding tickets after each murder (Me, still bitter over a $100 speeding ticket from the 1990’s? Nah).
AR — 28 serial murderers chewed a piece of straw while killing their victims.
UT — 26 serial killers married nine different wives, and not one of the women knew why her husband went out for a jog most nights. Dear Lord, is he having an affair?
WI — 25 serial killers wondered if it’d ever stop snowing during winter murders.
NM — 16 serial killers had to contend with skinwalkers; they weren’t the only murderers out at night.
MN — 16 serial killers watched Fargo after every murder.
ID — 13 serial killers inhaled the wafted aroma of potatoes as they dug shallow graves. Or maybe, they hunted for wild mushrooms like my buddy Craig and his adorable bulldogs, Frankie and Otto.
NE — 12 serial murderers probably knew the Midwest a lot better than I do and used that knowledge to dump bodies in desolate locales.
MT — 12 serial murderers stalked their victims via horse, bucking the “cargo” right off the horse’s back-end.
WV — 11 serial murderers whitewater rafted at the New River Gorge to celebrate dumping their latest victim.
IA — 10 serial murderers dashed through the corn fields, dumping one body after another.
AK — 10 serial murderers never missed an episode of Ozark after a kill. They may’ve even binged a whole season on Netflix.
ME — 8 serial killers dined on lobsters to celebrate each murder, plastic bib and all.
VT — 6 serial killers waved away the stench of cow manure as part of their murder ritual.
RI — 6 serial killers weren’t caught by my buddy, Police Cap’t. (Ret.) Joe Broadmeadow during their reign of terror.
NH — 5 serial killers had the gall to kill where this particular crime writer resides. Let’s hope the number doesn’t rise after this post. 😉 Dear Serial Killer, this is NOT a dare.
HI — 5 serial killers sipped umbrella drinks and reclined on Hawaiian beaches after each kill.
DE — 5 serial murderers must not have had a vehicle to kill outside the smallest state in the US.
WY — 3 serial killers wrangled grizzlies before each kill. Maybe that’s why only three murdered there.
ND — 3 serial murderers are just as confused as I am to find “Fargo” here, but they wrote it off to dump their latest victim.
SD — 2 serial killers thought they’d “cash in” on Big Oil after they killed.
Whew. wipes sweat off the brow That took a lot longer than I thought. 🙂 If you haven’t guessed by now, geography is not my forte. For example, I recently asked a Canadian friend if she lived above me, as though we all reside in a desktop globe. facepalm
In other news …
The delay in between posts is due mainly to my writers’ life. I recently sent back the first round of edits for RACKED, Grafton County Series, Book 4, and I’m racing toward the finish line for Mayhem Series, Book 4 (keeping the title hush-hush for now). Deadline for submission was the final days of June, but since my editor is on vacation till July 9th, she just gave me an extra nine days. Yay!
This weekend also kicks off my busy season for book signings. From May/June to October I try to fill almost every week with a book event. It’s a crazy schedule that takes quite a bit of advanced planning. The venues farthest away I’m able to schedule via phone. Many of my usual local places, however, prefer the personal touch. Either way is fine with me. I’m thankful to return to the same venues year after year.
This year, two book clubs asked me to speak. Which is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I’m flattered they love my books, but I also need to make the event extra special. After all, they could have asked any author, and still chose me. How cool is that?
My first signing for 2019 is tomorrow, Saturday, May 25th, outside The Other Guy’s Tattoo Shop on Weirs Beach. In SILENT MAYHEM, the killer decapitated one of the tattoo artists and his business partner made the prime suspect list. Needless to say, the tattoo shop plays an important role. So, it should be a fun day. Plus, we’re supposed to have beautiful weather on Saturday. Win-win! What better way to spend the day than signing books at the beach? I may even get new ink while I’m there. 😉
Here’s a fun fact: Did you know tattoos boost your immune system? I know, I know, I was skeptical at first, too. The theory behind it is this: because the tattoo gun drills ink several skin layers deep, it triggers the immune system to fight. A compromised immune system jolts to life and keeps fighting, thereby forcing it into compliance. I ran this theory by my rheumatologist, and she said it made sense. That’s all I needed to hear. 🙂

Now it’s your turn.
Choose your state and corresponding serial killer number and tell us what they did before, during, or after each murder. If you live outside the US, then improvise. I’d love to read what’s going on behind-the-scenes in different countries.
To the men and women in the armed forces, active or retired — a heartfelt thank you for your service. To the servicemen and women who died fighting for our freedom, your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. You’ll forever live in our hearts and minds.
Wishing you a safe, happy, and fun Memorial Day weekend!!!

sherry fundin
i live in florida and knew we would be near the top. we have so many fabulous places to dispose of bodies…never to be found. lol i was born in michigan and spent a third of my life there. glad to see there are no known serial killers hanging out there because i have plenty of family living in the state. you do some of the best posts ever on serial killers. keep up the great work and…i am…impatiently waiting for more mayhem. lol
sherry fundin recently posted…Past Nightmares – Whispers In The Dark by Laurel Hightower #LaurelHightower
Sue Coletta
Hahaha. Thanks so much for the kind words, Sherry. You made my day! xo
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Hi Sue,
I have been following your blog for some time now (let me say how much I love it!) and this post is by far my favourite :). I am somewhat relieved to know that there is only 1 active serial killer in the country where I live but I am quite alarmed to know the number in my native country (I’ll leave you guessing ;-)).
Thanks again for this post, I have always been a crime thriller lover and lately started researching serial killers. Anyway, I’ll be awaiting your next post eagerly … have a good weekend :).
Sue Coletta
Aww, thank you, AS! Your kind words made my day.
Only one active serial killer but a high number in your native country? Hmmm … keeping a crime writer in suspense. You rascal! 😉
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Staci Troilo
My home state has 85. I think rather than going through all that here, I should write a few novels!
Yes, Mr. Mayhem definitely counts.
This was awesome, Sue. Thanks for sharing.
Staci Troilo recently posted…Author Inspiration and This Week’s Writing Links
Sue Coletta
Yikes! That’s a lot of serial killers. Maybe you SHOULD write about it. LOL Hope you’re enjoying your holiday weekend, Staci!
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Very interesting read. Disturbing, but interesting.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Karen! Hope you’re enjoying the holiday weekend.
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Interesting and disturbing post, Sue.
Only from you!
Sue Coletta
Hahaha. Thanks, Anita!
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Dan Kyle
Excellent information, I have never seen these estimates before!
Carolyn McBride
That was a fascinating post, Sue! I have no idea how many active serial killers stalk, stomp and murder their way through Canada, but I’m pretty sure they stop for pancakes and Canadian maple syrup after each kill.
Or maybe poutine, if they kill after breakfast…
Carolyn McBride recently posted…Walk
Sue Coletta
Hahahahaha. No doubt, Carolyn! Gotta get their maple syrup fix.
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
I thought Canadians were more polite than that. Maybe they say they are sorry right before the dirty deed. LOL
Sue Coletta
Hahahahaha. I wouldn’t doubt it!
Garry Rodgers
Hi Sue! Great post that gave me a good morning chuckle 🙂 Thanks for the link to the SK database. I didn’t know that existed and I was blown away by the stats. Nearly 2K SKs roaming American streets – Wow!
Okay, just so you don’t think you’ve got the SK market cornered. Us Canadians got some weirdos, too, eh? Like Robert (Willy) Pickton who slaughtered 49 women and fed their bodies to his pigs. Then we had Clifford Olson (The Beast of BC) who confessed to killing 11 youths some of which he nailed to trees and sodomized them alive. What about Gilbert Paul Jordan (The Boozing Barber) who killed a whack of native women by poisoning them with alcohol? Then there’s Bernardo, Legere, Boden, Johnson and who ever operated on the Highway of Tears.
Nope, we got ’em up here, too. And, BTW, technically we do live above you. It works well having you down below to support our free socialist health care system 🙂
Carolyn McBride
So many notable Canadian killers…so much for Canada being the “polite country”, hmm?
Carolyn McBride recently posted…Walk
Sue Coletta
I’m sure they’re not rude while killing. After all, they are Canadian. 😉
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Sue Coletta
Hahahahahaha!!! Glad we could help your free healthcare system. 😉
Wow. The Beast of BC sounds like an interesting fella. Yikes. Not a fun way to die!
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Dean M. Watts
Great post, Sue. And thanks for the heads up for another great source for statistical information into serial killers, including stats, motives and means. I have bookmarked this page and will be referring to it often!
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Dean! My pleasure. I’m so glad you found it helpful. 🙂
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Priscilla Bettis
Aw, poor Kermit.:-) Enjoy Weirs Beach and your new tat!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Counting how many times I use REALLY, VERY, WAS, FELT, THOUGHT, and all those other, pesky, weak words.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Priscilla!
Don’t forget Kermie cheated on Miss Piggy, so should we really feel bad for him? 😉
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
Margot Kinberg
I’m so happy for all of the signings and so on that you have coming up, Sue! That is fantastic! And great news about your writing, too.
Your post about serial killers really does make a person stop and think. Especially since I live in California – ahem. Hey, speaking of fun statistics, did you know that there are two serial killers in CA who don’t eat dark chocolate, and insist on wearing red plaid boxer shorts on the outside of their jeans? 😉 😉 – Hey, I write fiction. I make stuff up. 😉
Sue Coletta
Hahahahahaha. Love it, Margot!!! 😀
Thank you. xoxo It’s an exciting time of year.
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats
CS Boyack
I got a ping and my ears are burning. Thanks for the mention, I think. It is a post about serial killers, after all. A lot of people in Idaho pack, concealed or otherwise, so maybe they aren’t as successful here. It’s almost mushroom season and I’m chomping to get out there.
Sue Coletta
Hahaha. I bet you are, Craig! Gee, that makes sense. Perhaps armed Idaho residents don’t make easy victims. Enjoy your long weekend!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets? 2019 Stats