I’m On Crime Fiction.FM Podcast!
I had the pleasure of speaking with Steve Campbell from CrimeFiction.FM. This was such a fun experience, as you’ll hear in the podcast. We had a lot of laughs, which slowed my racing heartbeat to a manageable pace.
For those unfamiliar with CrimeFiction.FM, the following is taken from the About page. I edited a bit so that it makes sense for you, reading it here on Murder Blog. To view the original go to About on the CrimeFiction.FM site.
The clicking of Lizzy’s heels echoed through the cavernous lobby. She glanced at the clock above the door and shook her head. 8:10.
She loved this job, but the hours were out of control. She opened a red umbrella and entered her code to unlock the door. A soft breeze greeted her outside, tossing the hair across her face. The faint scent of night blooming jasmine was in the air as she picked her way through the puddles to her assigned parking spot. It was easy to find since her black BMW was the only car in the lot.
She slid into the seat, shook the rain off her umbrella and tossed it on the passenger side floor. Then she leaned back and took a deep breath. Then another. What she needed tonight was a good book and a glass of Pinot.
Lizzy pulled out her iPhone and tapped the purple podcasts button. She loved podcasts. On Demand radio for busy people. And no one was busier than her right now.
Ah – there it is – CrimeFiction.FM. She scrolled through the list of episodes and found one that looked interesting. She turned on the radio and the show’s opening music surrounded her as she pulled into traffic.
Here’s the more traditional About Page information.
CrimeFiction.FM is the easy way to discover your next book. We bring the authors of mysteries, crime thrillers and suspense novels to you, letting them speak directly to you, in a way that fits your schedule.
The host, Stephen Campbell, interviews the authors of three new crime fiction novels each week, helping busy readers like Elizabeth, and you discover books that aren’t on that big table you see when you walk into Barnes & Noble.
(Oh – You wanted to know what happened with Lizzy? Since this isn’t a crime novel, she made it home safely. Then ordered the new book [MARRED] she heard the author discussing on her ride home and poured a glass of Pinot. She changed out of her work clothes and spent a very relaxing evening reading. The End)
The wonderful world of crime fiction has many sub-genres, and CrimeFiction.FM hits them all, sharing the work of best-selling authors and those who aren’t there yet.
There are several ways to subscribe. Elizabeth subscribes to CrimeFiction.FM through iTunes, so each episode automatically appears in her podcast list, but you can also subscribe through email, by clicking here. When new shows are released they’ll send you a short message.
At CrimeFiction.FM the podcast is just the beginning. They’re all about bringing the best of the crime fiction genre to you any way you want to receive it.
Read their disclosure statement here.
If you’re an author and wonder who the heck Stephen Campbell is, you can check out his other podcast, The Author Biz. It’s a weekly show that focuses on the business of being an author.
So, now that you know what it is and how to subscribe — which I highly recommend — here’s my chat with Steve on CrimeFiction.FM. I tried to hide my Boston accent. Take a listen and see how I did (it’s about 15 minutes long).

Sounds ace! I miss you Sue Coletta so have bookmarked toot site so I can pop over more!
Sue Coletta
You miss me? Aww, that’s sweet. It’ll be nice to have you pop over more. 😀
I enjoyed it a lot, Sue! And I liked hearing your voice, it’s like I know you a bit better now.
And what a fantastic opportunity to be on a podcast.
… I’m running out of superlatives, but I’m really so happy for you and you did a great job!
JazzFeathers recently posted…NaNoWriMo week 2 â I need more research, but now I’ll revise
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Sarah! It’s cool to finally hear people who you’ve been communicating with for so long, isn’t it? I was so nervous, but it was a lot of fun.
That was awesome. I just did something kind of similar, and it was a lot of fun.
Craig recently posted…A friendly debate
Sue Coletta
You did? I can’t wait to hear it. Were you nervous? I was a wreck.
I posted a lead in Friday. The show was Saturday. The link is still valid, but now it’s to an archived show. No Boston accent, but I think it went well.
Craig recently posted…A friendly debate
Sue Coletta
Mae Clair
Wow, great job, Sue! You did fantastic…and I didn’t hear a trace of a Boston accent. Drat! I happen to love that accent. 🙂
Congrats on the Amazon ranking and all you’re achieving with MARRED. Yipee!!!
Mae Clair recently posted…Mae Clair Presents: Common Writing Mistakes
Sue Coletta
You do? I can’t stand it. Thanks, Mae. You should really do one. Steve is awesome!
Ellie Gray
Fabulous interview, Sue – really interesting and insightful. It’s also great to put a voice to the name! 🙂
Ellie Gray recently posted…A Rollercoaster of an October
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Ellie!
Garry Rodgers
GREAT JOB, SUE!!!! You had me laughing – I so know what you mean by standing naked in the street and about thinking “What if they hate it?” And, there’s nothing left in the tank. I enjoyed the interview so much that I didn’t even notice your Bwoston accent 🙂
Sue Coletta
Yay! Isn’t that a perfect analogy? Ha! This was really fun. You should so do one.
June Lorraine Roberts
Hello Sue, so great to hear you were on Stephen’s Crime Fiction podcast – congrats!
I met Stephen at SleuthFest last year and I’m hoping to reconnect with him again at this years conference.
Sue Coletta
Steve is a super nice guy, isn’t he. I’d love to go to SleuthFest this year. Maybe I’ll see you there! Thanks, June!
Mick Canning
What a great interview, Sue! A great advert for your book (and yes, you did seem to have a lot of fun!) but what a nice chap, as well.
Sue Coletta
Oh, Steve is the best. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Mick. Thanks!
Margot Kinberg
This is absolutely fabulous, Sue!!! I’m so happy you’re getting some of the attention you deserve. Thanks for sharing.
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Sue Coletta
Aww, thank you, Margot!