I’m So Excited, and I Just Can’t Hide It…
You might remember my post Snarky characters: Love Them or Hate Them? Well, I have an update. My editor loved Wings of Mayhem so much that she insisted my publisher interrupt her holiday break and send me a contract on Christmas Eve. That’s a lot of love!
Because the contract is signed and sent back, I can now officially announce that Wings of Mayhem will hit the shelves on May 18th, available for pre-order in April. Yay!
And there’s more good news, about Marred, but I’m not at liberty to say…yet.
As if this wasn’t enough, I received word that my article on radiocarbon dating and skeletal differences will be published in the March issue of InSinC magazine. For those unfamiliar with InSinC, Sisters in Crime publishes both in digital and in print. The editor told me the copy was so clean that she barely had to touch it. Apparently that’s rare. The best part is, she said she LOVED (all caps) the article.
What a way to start the year!!!
I can hardly believe all this good news. Upon hearing the news, my dog was gazing at me as if I’d lost my mind, with all the hooping and hollering and hi-fives between me and Bob. All he knew was that Mommy wouldn’t stop dancing around the living room and Dad kept funneling treats his way.
Mind you, he wasn’t complaining. The more treats the better. He probably thought if the excitement continued he’d even score a Frosty Paw.
Which he did.
Shawnee Daniels, the protagonist in Wings of Mayhem, has been screaming in my ear for years. Which makes this victory all the more sweet. My snarky and massively flawed cat burglar will finally take her place in the spotlight. You’d think that would be enough to satisfy her, but no. She wants more.
As I was writing the sequel to Marred, Shawnee kept barging in. I finally had to stop and get to work on Mr. Mayhem, book 2 in the Mayhem series. Now, I have no idea which book I’ll finish first. But if I know Shawnee, she won’t let me rest till I put her through hell for another 300 pages. You’d think she’d want a reprieve. Not Shawnee. She’s not your average character. Far from it.
It’s gotten so bad that she consumes my dreams too. Anyone else ever experience this? Her voice is so loud that it bleeds through everything I write lately. I have no choice but to obey. Perhaps it’s because she waited so long for her shot. She’s been with me for years, biding her time till the right story came along. And now it has.
What’s Wings of Mayhem about?
Never steal a killer’s trophy box.
Cat burglar Shawnee Daniels always believed her “fearlessness rules” mantra would keep her on top and out of jail. When her latest break-in leads her to a secret lair, she instantly realizes there are some people more dangerous than cops…serial killers.
She thinks she made it out clean until a deadly package arrives at her door. He’s found her. When he taunts her through Skype, she knows he’s not going away. As an eagle glows on the dark screen his demonic voice whispers how she stole his precious trophy box — and he wants it back!
The only problem is, she can’t find what he wants. Did the box fall out of her backpack when she bolted from the house? Fear ripples across her skin, but outing her secret life isn’t an option. By day, she runs the computer lab at the Revere Police Department. And when her “helpful” best friend, librarian Nadine Couture, convinces her to give into charismatic Detective Levaughn Samuels’ charm, her two worlds might collide. Ordinarily Shawnee keeps a firm line between her professions, but dating Levaughn might help her get this psycho off her tail.
Now she’s juggling being stalked by a killer, dating the lead detective on the case, and trying to keep herself out of jail. Plus, the closer she gets to Levaughn and the case, the more she wonders who to trust. If she doesn’t find the trophy box, the killer’s coming for her. If she doesn’t come clean with Levaughn, more will die. And if she does, she could lose her freedom and everyone she holds dear.
Bob is taking me for a celebratory lunch. Talk to you when I get back!

Congratulations! Well done! (Y)
Place4Papers.com recently posted…50 Classification Essay Topics to Spark Your Interest
Sue Coletta
Thank you, David!
Traci Kenworth
Congrats, Sue!!
Traci Kenworth recently posted…Book Talk…1/15/16
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Traci!
Congratulations Sue! Such exciting news. I’m currently reading Marred and it’s a page turner. Looks like Wings of Mayhem will be too. Good luck to you!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Jet! I’m thrilled you’re enjoying Marred. It was a fun book to write. Have an awesome Sunday!
Congratulations, Sue – I’m so pleased for you. It’s fantastic news.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Ellie. I couldn’t be happier. It’ll be a loooooooong wait till March and May, but it’ll be worth it. 🙂
I mean, I nearly envy you for this fabulous start of the year… but instead I’m happy for you.
Should I wish you the best of year? I don’t think you need it. But I will. Hugs and good wishes and keep up the good job!
JazzFeathers recently posted…Iâm going to be a published author
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Sarah! The smile still hasn’t left my face. Hugging you back!
Fantastic, Sue.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mick.
Jennifer Chase
Congratulations Sue! Woohoo!
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Jen!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Justine!
Nicholas C. Rossis
That is so wonderful! I’m so excited for you. Oh, and I love the Wings of Mayhem premise. Can’t wait for it 🙂
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Nicholas! I can’t wait to share Wings of Mayhem. 🙂
You’re on fire girl! Congrats!!!! 🙂
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Debby!!! It’s been one helluva great start to the year. 🙂
Colette Sartor
Congratulations!! What wonderful news!!!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Colette!!!
David Villalva
Congrats Sue. That’s awesome. Also, Wings of Mayhem looks like it’s going to be a freaking blast to read. Well done!
David Villalva recently posted…EXPOSED: The 1st Chapter from My Trunked WiP
Sue Coletta
Thank you, David! Wings of Mayhem was a freakin’ blast to write, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone 🙂
Congratulations, Sue. Your career is off and running.
What, in heaven’s name, is a “Frosty Paw”?
pauldaleanderson recently posted…A. R. Morlan 1958-2016
Sue Coletta
Ha! It’s a doggy ice cream cup. He loves them. Thank you, Paul!
Mae Clair
Wow, wow, wow! I don’t know where to start. So much great news on so many fronts. *Snoopy dance* You’re really rocking it, Sue! Enjoy the celebratory lunch. I’m toasting you with virtual champagne. Can’t wait to meet Shawnee when Wings of Mayhem hits the shelves! 🙂
Sue Coletta
*clink* Cheers, Mae! Thank you. 🙂 I can’t wait till you and everyone else gets to meet her, either.
Garry Rodgers
Double hi-fives & people treats for you, Sue!! 2016 is your year & you’ve earned it 🙂
Sue Coletta
*slap* hi-fives back, Garry! This year is certainly looking up. 🙂
Awesome news. I’m going to tell everyone I knew you back when.
Sue Coletta
Hahahaha! If only… 🙂
Heather Burnside
That’s excellent news Sue and Wings of Mayhem sounds great. Good luck with it all. 🙂
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Diane!
Congrats, Sue. What an amazing bunch of good news!
Here’s to a fab Sue Coletta year! 🙂
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Karen! Best year yet. 🙂
Margot Kinberg
I am so very happy for you, Sue! This is great news, and you deserve all the success you can get.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Margot! I couldn’t be happier. 🙂
Ben Sobieck
This terrific news. It’s going to be a great year. Congratulations, Sue!
Ben Sobieck recently posted…On Writing Weapons: Is it Better to be Accurate or Cool?
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Ben! I’m riding this happy high for as long as I can. 🙂