One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
The stars aligned, angels sang, and the gates of heaven opened wide. That’s how it felt, anyway, when an amazing opportunity to write true crime came my way.
In May, someone tweeted to me, asking if I could follow them back so they could DM me. I saw that the woman was an acquisitions editor and not a cam girl, so I followed her back. Then apologized for my delay in responding, and explained that I’d been offline for a few days while completing final edits for RACKED. She asked if she could email me instead.
After giving her my email address, I still didn’t give the quick exchange much thought. But then my curiosity got the better of me and I engaged in a little online stalking research and discovered she’s an acquisitions editor for Globe Pequot, subsidiary of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., one of the largest publishers of nonfiction and America’s leading book distributor.
Now, she had my full attention.
What could this offer be about? The next question was, why me? And then, like any good crime writer, I wondered, is this for real?
At some point in a crime writer’s career chances are you’ll be approached by a total whack-job with a decent story to tell, a pleasant person with a humdrum story or a fascinating story that would make an excellent blog post but doesn’t provide enough intrigue for a novel-length book, and then you’ll get the prisoner whose sole purpose for contacting you is because he wants to profit off his crimes.
I’ve received all of the above. Some projects I’ve gotten excited about, only to be let down by the criminal’s money-hungry lawyer. Other projects I simply haven’t squeezed in the time to pursue in more depth … but eventually I will. They’re cool stories that need to be told, and Murder Blog readers should enjoy them.
All this and more fled through my mind as I went about my usual business. Because of past experiences, it’s fair to say I was more leery than excited at this point. When the email dropped into my inbox I read it about ten times, searching for clues of how this offer might be a cruel prank or something even more nefarious, like some hacker’s idea of a good time, a hacker who went through the motions of creating a fake Twitter profile for the sole purpose of tricking some poor schmuck. Meaning, me. Scammers are everywhere, and they often target writers. If you’re thinking, wow, Sue’s skeptical and suspicious, you’re not wrong. Creative folks have big dreams tied to real emotions. If we don’t protect ourselves, who will?
The signature line read “Rowman & Littlefield Group, Inc.,” and the proverbial lightbulb went off. OMG, I know them! This publisher’s been in business since 1949, and is a highly regarded name in the publishing industry.
The acquisitions editor told me she ran across my blog post Female Serial Killers — Unmasked during her initial research for a book idea. She also checked out my books, other articles on my blog, and social media presence before contacting me. Professional acquisitions editors never reach out to writers on a whim. They do extensive research first.
Most acquisitions editors contact one of their in-house authors to write a book to spec, or reach out to an established big name within that genre. Can you see how contacting a crime writer who doesn’t write historical or nonfiction to write a historical true crime book is an unusual scenario? Although, to my credit, I have written historical true crime stories on this blog. Novelists have achieved huge success within the true crime genre, so perhaps, that was her motivation. I might never learn why this happened to me, because I wasn’t about to ask and risk changing her mind. Stupid, I am not.
When I say “spec” I mean the publisher picks the subject and parameters. For example, she asked if I’d be interested in writing a true crime book about female serial killers of New England who operated prior to 1950. Globe Pequot, a full partner of Rowman & Littlefield Group, Inc., focuses on regional history. They’ve enjoyed much success in narrowing their niche. To entice me to say yes, the email contained links to books that showcased their successes.
For example, Globe Pequot includes such authors as M. William Phelps, who, along with numerous publishing credits and accolades, including TV and movie adaptations, consulted on the first season of Dexter and hosted and produced Discovery ID’s Dark Minds.
Enough proof to quiet the suspicious voices in my head? You betcha.
The acquisitions editor and I arranged a meeting via phone to discuss the finer details of the concept. Quick tip for writers: if you ever receive an email like this, make sure you are prepared when you get the call. After the initial email, I dove head-first down a rabbit hole of research. Turns out, I had plenty of interesting female serial killers to choose from. To make the book even more intriguing I looked for female SKs who weren’t run-of-the-mill killers. My “ladies” went way beyond what’s necessary to end a human life.
That’s another takeaway for writers. Writing true crime includes wading through mountains of research, so you better choose your subjects wisely. If the writer isn’t passionate about the killer and his/her crimes, the reader won’t be either.
During the call she gave me two weeks to submit a book proposal for her to bring to the board for approval. Two weeks! I’d never put together a book proposal before (fiction requirements differ from nonfiction), so I had to learn fast. Real fast. One part of the proposal requires a complete outline of the story in the form of a Table of Contents, with an explanation of each chapter heading that shows an overview of the completed book. Which meant, I had lots of research ahead of me in order to know the female serial killers enough to tell their stories. There’s no such thing as pantsing in the nonfiction arena, so at least I had that going for me. I’m already in the habit of planning my stories in advance.
When the first wave of panic set in, I reached out to a few friends for advice … Garry Rodgers, retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police and forensic coroner who writes true crime about cases he worked; Jordan Dane, critically acclaimed novelist and one of my go-to buddies who has never steered me wrong; she’s also been published by Harper Collins so she’s walked this path before; true crime writer and cold case expert Kim McGath, and Larry Brooks, a writing coach, critically acclaimed novelist, and dear friend who, years ago, taught me the craft of writing and working as a professional novelist. All four agreed that this editor’s decision to contact me made perfect sense. To them, maybe. I still wasn’t convinced. 😉 Although, their confidence did help calm my nerves a bit.
If you haven’t heard this cold, hard truth about writers, we are our own worst critic. No one can say anything that we haven’t said to ourselves a gazillion times. This trait helps us grow thick skin; it can also paralyze creativity if we dwell on the negativity. The perfect mindset lies somewhere between “I suck” and “I’m amazing.”
Long story short, I made my deadline — and the acquisitions editor loved my proposal! The board did, too. Two weeks later (which felt more like years), they offered me a contract. Yay!!! So, I’m veering into true crime. Pretty Evil New England: Female Serial Killers of the Region’s Past is anticipated to hit stores in Fall 2020.
The freaky part? I printed out my contract to read it over one last time before signing. The second I laid the contract on the table YouTube opened BY ITSELF (it wasn’t open when I left my desk!) and played ALL my book trailers, one after another as I read the contract from start to finish. Once I signed, the videos/music stopped.
If we’re Facebook friends, you probably saw me post this story. My mother, who died when I was a teenager, was in the room that day. There’s not a doubt in my mind. Thanks, Mom. xoxo

Julie Holmes
Woo-hoo! Congrats, Sue! Sounds like the project is right up your alley (of course it is, why else would they have contacted you?) You’ll do a fabulous job. Good luck!
Julie Holmes recently posted…About a Book, Writing, and a Dragon
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Julie!!! I am lovin’ the work so far.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Dave Burnham
Great news, Sue. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished book already!
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Dave!!!
sherry fundin
Congratulations Sue! I am not surprised they chose you. 🙂
sherry fundin recently posted…Archeological Artifacts – Atlantis Unleashed by Alyssa Day @Alyssa_Day
Sue Coletta
Aww, thanks so much, Sherry. <3
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Cindy Jones
I’m so happy for you!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Cindy!!!
Traci Kenworth
Congrats, Sue! You do amazing articles on your blog and KillZone! Good luck!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Traci!! Your comment made my day. 🙂
Mae Clair
Aww, Sue, what fantastic news! That last line about your mom being in the room with you gave me goosebumps.
What an awesome opportunity. This is your chance to soar and I just know you’re going to kill it. Er, pardon the expression 😀
Mae Clair recently posted…June Book Reviews, Part Two
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Mae!!!! Wasn’t that amazing? I haven’t “felt” her around me for a long, long time. That day, her presence brought me to tears, like ugly crying, too. I’ll never forget it.
Hope you’re right about killing it. I’ll do my best! 😀
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Garry Rodgers
I actually spit out my coffee when I read “The perfect mindset lies somewhere between “I suck” and “I’m amazing.” Hahahahaha! Man, I’m there right now with a 1/2 finished book on what I call “Sorta Like True Crime” 🙂
Sue – I can’t think of any writer on this planet who deserves this recognition and opportunity more than you do. The truth is you’ve earned it from your dedication and pure talent and your venture into true crime with a leading publisher is a natural step in your calling.
Your mother is proud of you, Sue. So is Bob, your family and your friends 🙂
Sue Coletta
Hahahahaha. “Sorta Like True Crime” Love it!!!
Aww, thank you, my dear friend. Hope you’re right. *gulp* True crime here I come!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
CS Boyack
Outstanding news. Nobody deserves it more. Really cheering for you from the gallery.
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Craig!!! I’m so freakin’ excited about this, my feet haven’t hit the ground yet.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Debbie Burke
Thrilled for you, Sue! You’ve been doing your homework for years to earn this opportunity. Globe-Pequot has had a good rep going back decades. Looking forward to following your journey as well as reading the book in 2020!
Sue Coletta
Right? I’m so freakin’ excited to sign with them. Thanks, Debbie!!! I’m also loving the research for this book. *happy dancing*
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Naomi Bellina
Big congrats to you, Sue! You put a lot of work into your blogs, so a true crime book is the perfect partnership and next step.
Sue Coletta
That’s exactly what others told me. As a writer, you know how it goes. You get comfortable in your genre and never consider writing outside of it. Writing true crime seems logical NOW, in hindsight. *facepalm* Thanks, Naomi!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Carolyn McBride
Hmm, not sure my comment went through, so I’m trying again. Forgive me if both come through.
The publisher absolutely picked the right author for the book, you ARE awesome! So cool that your mother still supports you and popped into let you know. Hopefully, you’ll share parts of the journey of writing true crime if you can? I, and many of your fans would love an inside peek.
You’ve got this, Sue, have fun with it!
Carolyn McBride recently posted…What Can Anthropology Teach Authors?
Sue Coletta
Your first comment went through just fine, Carolyn (don’t you hate when that happens?), but I appreciate the added commentary. Thank you so much!!! I love that my mom is on this journey with me. <3 Scroll below ... I answered the other one, too. 😉
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Carolyn McBride
Congratulations, Sue! I’m so happy for you! Will you be blogging about some parts of the process? I’d love an insider view of writing a true-crime book, as I’m sure many of your fans would. You’re the perfect person for this, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that they picked the best author for the job!
Carolyn McBride recently posted…What Can Anthropology Teach Authors?
Sue Coletta
Aww, thank you, Carolyn!!! Absolutely will be blogging about it. I plan to shoot video as I travel across New England conducting research and visiting crime scenes, as a way to take you guys with me on this journey. Should be fun and fascinating!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Carolyn McBride
Most excellent!
(Sorry about the double comment. Just delete it if you like)
Carolyn McBride recently posted…What Can Anthropology Teach Authors?
Sue Coletta
No worries. I love comments!
June Lorraine Roberts
Well it’s hardly a surprise how I feel about all this:
June Lorraine Roberts recently posted…Matt Phillips – Countdown Q&A
Sue Coletta
Thank you, June!!! It’s such an exciting opportunity.
Anne Hagan
Congratulations! Keep us posted because I look forward to reading the book.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Anne! I plan to shoot video at every crime scene while I travel across New England doing research, as a way to take you guys with me. One of the first places I’m going is reported to be haunted now. Should be fun and fascinating. 😀
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Staci Troilo
They absolutely made the right choice, and I couldn’t be happier for you. (And what a blessing that your mom checked in to share your joy.)
Wishing you all the best, Sue. Can’t wait to see the end result!
Staci Troilo recently posted…Fictional Bad Boys: 3 Questions
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Staci!!! My mom was an incredible person … gentle, kind, never a bad word about anyone. The day I signed the contract and felt her with me again is a day I’ll never forget. Chokes me up just thinking about it. Even in death, a mother’s love never waivers.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Rose Kerr
Congratulations Sue! That’s great news, happy to read your hard work is paying off.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Rose!!! It’s such an exciting opportunity. This summer, my husband and I are visiting all the crime scenes while I research each killer in more depth. So fun!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Margot Kinberg
This is such wonderful news, Sue. I’m so excited for you! And I am very excited to read your work when it comes out! Well done. I’m glad you’re getting just a little of the notice you deserve.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Margot!!! The research is fascinating. Today, I’m planning my itinerary to visit all the crime scenes over the summer. So fun!!!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Harvey Stanbrough
Congratulations, Sue. All your work is beginning to pay off. I’m happy for you.
Harvey Stanbrough recently posted…Cycling vs. Editing or Revising, Revisited
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Harvey!!! I’m really enjoying this exciting new adventure.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
This is fantastic, Sue! Congratulations!
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Dianne!!! Sorry for the delay in responding. I thought I responded at the time, but I don’t see my comment anymore. Weird.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
That’s great Sue. You never know when an opportunity will come your way.
Sue Coletta
Right? Things happen in the weirdest ways sometimes. Truth really is stranger than fiction. Thanks, Jillian!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Congratulations, Sue! All the best to you in your new venture. —- Suzanne
patriciaruthsusan recently posted…Floribunda~
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Suzanne! It’s an exciting opportunity.
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime
Donna Barker
Congratualtions, Sue! Sounds like a fabulously fun project.
Sue Coletta
Thanks, Donna! It really is. I had no idea these “ladies” even existed, never mind operated in my backyard. So fun!
Sue Coletta recently posted…One Writer’s Journey into True Crime