5 Tips for Writing in Kindle Worlds
Sorry I’ve been MIA for a while. With four new releases since May — CLEAVED, BLESSED MAYHEM, HACKED, and FRACTURED LIVES — I’ve had a crazy schedule. Getting involved with the Kindle Worlds…
Tribal Police and Jurisdication: Crime Writing
Officer X is back with a post about Tribal Police and jurisdiction. We’ve got a lot to get through, so I’ll step out of the way. Dazzle us with your vast knowledge, Officer…
Crows Never Forget a Face
Crows are amazing birds. While writing BLESSED MAYHEM, I researched them extensively, and became so intrigued I longed to befriend a crow of my own. Let’s backtrack a bit so you can see…
Real Life Trauma Inspired a #1 Best-Seller
Years ago, I experienced a terrifying hell ride when the gas pedal on my Ford Explorer stuck wide-open while I drove Rte. 125 during rush hour traffic. Two days later, I received a…
6 Mind-Blowing Forensic Advancements
The forensic community works tirelessly to improve techniques to aid law enforcement, and much of this work is done at body farms across the country. The Texas body farm has conducted some amazing work…
Jack Unterweger: Crime Writer Turned Serial Killer
Jack Unterweger, born Johan Unterweger in 1950 to Theresia Unterweger, a Viennese barmaid, waitress, and prostitute, had a brutal childhood. He never knew his birth father, only that he was an American GI…
Serial Killers by State – FBI Stats – How Many Live Near You?
An interesting post by James L’Etoile got me thinking about the serial killers in my area. So, like I often do, I researched the subject. It’s not surprising that the U.S. has more…
9 Ways to Recall Our Dreams and Why We Dream
Most people can remember one or two of their dreams, but what if there were ways to increase that number exponentially? We’ve all heard the stories of hugely popular novels which stemmed from…
Music in Fiction Writing + the Songs Behind CLEAVED
Writing can be a lot like method acting. It’s not always easy to jump into a character’s skin unless they’re similar to us. So what are some ways to become that character in…
Nature vs. Nurture: What Drives People to Kill?
The debate of a nature vs. nurture is a controversial, longstanding debate with supporters on both sides. Some experts believe if you grow up in a loving home, you’re destined to become a…