The Serial Killer
Serial killers are wildly popular in crime fiction. Why do you think that is? Perhaps it’s because the serial killer is a complicated creature, and deliciously naughty. We, as writers, are told never to make our antagonist (villain) all bad, or our protagonist (hero) all good.
That is certainly true of Dr. Hannibal Lector, played by Mads Mikkelsen in the television adaptation. Dr. Lector is a brilliant forensic psychologist and culinarian, even though some of the ingredients in his dishes are questionable. In past seasons we’ve seen his soft side with Dr. Alana Bloom. We’ve watched in horror as he’s slaughtered innocent people and posed their bodies in dramatic, convoluted positions–far beyond what is necessary to end a life.
Yet we keep coming back for more. Why? Because nothing is black and white with him. Hannibal feels justified in his actions, which makes him an ideal character. Hats off to Author Thomas Harris, his creator.
In the real world, however, the serial killer is a frightening creature. And one I never want to run into in a dark alley. Or anywhere else for that matter.
The seven phases of the serial killer will blow your mind. Share on XWhat makes the serial killer tick?
Joel Norris PhD is the founding member of the International Committee of Neuroscientists to Study Episodic Aggression. In his book, Serial Killers, Norris explains the serial killer’s addiction to crime is also an addiction to specific patterns of violence that ultimately become their way of life. He suggests there are seven key phases to the ritual of serial killing.
Seven Phases of the Male Serial Killer
#1: Aura Phase
In the Aura Phase, the killer withdraws from reality, and his senses heighten. Time stands still. Colors become more vibrant, as though literally viewing the world through rose-colored glasses. During this time the killer distances himself from society, but friends, family, and acquaintances may not detect the change in personality.
The killer turns antisocial and can no longer find meaning in life. This phase can last from hours to several months. During the Aura Phase the killer fantasizes, and often these fantasies include sadistic sexual and/or violent acts. These fantasies often start during puberty and evolve over time. Childhood abuse can also play a key role in his rich fantasy life.
#2: Trolling Phase
When a killer is on the hunt, he’s trolling for a victim. The male serial killer tends to troll in familiar places, often called a “comfort zone.”
While trolling, the male serial killer looks for the perfect place to abduct a victim, as well as where to dump the corpse afterward. It is not unusual for him troll school zones, red light districts, or lover’s lanes. The Trolling Phase can continue for days, weeks, or even months before he finds a victim who matches the fantasy in his head.
#3: Wooing Phase
In the Wooing Phase the serial killer attempts to win the confidence of the victim. A perfect example is Ted Bundy and his ruse of wearing a fake cast to gain sympathy. Note: the Wooing Phase is only done by the confident, well-organized killer. By nature, the organized killer has better social skills than his disorganized counterpart. As such, he’s much more daring.
This phase is important in that the serial killer will only murder those who succumb to his charms. Once the victim and killer form a bond of trust, he lures the victim to a secluded area, where he tears off his mask.
Thus begins the next phase.
#4: Capture Phase
The Capture Phase is where the serial killer reveals the monster behind his false facade. “Capture” can be as swift as snapping handcuffs on the victim’s wrists, or an abrupt strike to the head — any bold act that renders the victim helpless — or coaxing the victim into his car with no passenger door handles. No means for escape.
The serial killer savors this time. Not only does he find the Capture Phase disturbingly fun but his fantasies are finally realized. With a helpless victim secure, he drives her to an out-of-the-way place. Secluded — no houses, nor witnesses — where no one will hear her scream. When he’s confident his prize cannot escape, the next phase begins.
#5: Murder Phase
Norris describes the Murder Phase as “the ritual reenactment of the childhood experiences of the killer, only now the roles are reversed.” The serial killer may decide to murder his victim right away or torture her to death. Or he “plays” for a while before ending her/his life. When the victim reaches the brink of death, he revives her/him to continue the torture. Over and over this cycle can repeat.
During the Murder Phase, it’s likely the serial killer will depersonalize the victim by marring the face and/or body (I hope readers of this blog know the definition of MARRED smile). Any violent means of rape are often performed postmortem (also known as necrophilia).
The organized killer takes a much slower approach to the Murder Phase. He revels in the torture, the game. The murder is delayed because it isn’t the serial killer’s main objective. The torture is. A sexual sadist, for example, will resort to using different equipment as torture devices — an electrical wire, broken beer bottle, power tools, etc. When the serial killer tires of the torture, the murder becomes a means to an end.
And the next phase begins.
#6: Totem Phase
After the murder, the serial killer’s excitement drops and he wakes from the fantasy. Once the fantasy ends, the killer may slip into depression. Hence why some (mostly male) serial killers take trophies. It’s his way to relive the kill and preserve the fantasy. Some may steal the victim’s clothes, jewelry, photo ID, etc. Or he’ll cut articles out of the newspaper; articles about the manhunt or the murders. Cannibal serial killers take body parts to consume later. Others shoot video or record audio to memorialize the time spent with the victim(s).
Totems or trophies allow the serial killer to relive the feeling of power at the time of the kill, and to remember the fantasy was real, that he actually took a life.
#7: Depression Phase
The final phase — Depression Phase — can last for days, weeks, even months. The serial killer may become so depressed he attempts suicide. Why? Because the fantasy never matches reality. Though he tries to keep the fantasy alive with trophies, the act itself can never quite measure up to the picture in his head.
In each subsequent attempt, the killer attempts to better recreate the fantasy. But since he doesn’t view the victims as human — they’re objects or “projects” to a male serial killer — the memory of murder may be vague or viewed in a detached manner, as though someone else murdered the victim while he watched.
This link of thinking restarts the cycle . . . again and again and again.

Fascinating insight by the wordsmith of terror….
I never realised there were seven stages in the crazed cycle of a serial killer, such an interesting revelation.
I love reading this blog, you learn so much, in so many different ways….looking forward to the next one immensely.
Sue Coletta
The “wordsmith of terror.” You are too funny, my friend. 🙂
Andrè M. Pietroschek
I come from the lower ranks of society, and I would say that I am a much lower-skill-level author than Sue Coletta without feeling a lack of confidence, as it is simply true and obvious.
One book which is rarely known to authors, but coming with a source list and ideas SOME might find inspiring is the following LINK. Please note that reading the reviews may help, as the basic info is better found at Wiki or by browser. It is certainly a book for adults!
Beyond that I remember the ‘Jack the Ripper’ as a delusional killer in the movie ‘From Hell’ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120681/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Sorry, on the ‘Aura Phase’ I can’t be of more help. Especially during the throttled-down time of my notebook flat. 😉
Sue Coletta
Thanks for the links, Andre, and for your kind words. *blush* I’ll check out the book. Sounds interesting. As far as Jack the Ripper is concerned, we can’t trust Hollywood. I’m not saying their logic is skewed in From Hell. I haven’t seen the film. However, we know–the collective “we”–that crime writers need to be careful about getting our facts from movies and TV.
Andrè M. Pietroschek
I agree with you, Sue. I meant the delusional rush of the killer imagining (actually even visualizing) his highborn colleagues applauding his deeds while in reality the opposite was true -> From Hell movie
Yet I remembered the song lyrics of ‘Damien’ by Iced Earth, too.
Excerpt: “So the Beast resides within me, deep down I always knew, I never really did fit in, so diverse from all of you!”
Sue Coletta
Oh, yes, absolutely. While in the aura phase the killer would definitely visualize the act. Those song lyrics are creepy. Love it!
Andrè M. Pietroschek
Mae Clair
A chilling look at what makes serial killers tick. I often wonder about the people (profilers and law enforcement personnel) who have to “get inside” the heads of such criminals. It must be close to walking a thin line that could easily topple into severe depression. Thank God there are people willing to take the risk.
I’m knee-deep in reading the latest Kevin O’Brien release. Still haven’t figured out reasoning for the ritualistic way the murders are taking place, but he keeps me turning pages well into the night. I can see a few of the above traits playing out in some of the characters!
Mae Clair recently posted…Guest Blogger Staci Troilo on Alchemy, Michelangelo, and the Protectorate
Sue Coletta
Ooh, sounds like an excellent read. What’s the title? I’d love to check it out. Hope you had an awesome vacation, Mae. It’s nice to have you home. 😉
Mae Clair
I love Kevin’s stuff. His latest is No One Needs to Know. Also, my fave books involving killers of all sorts go to the writing team of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. They write about FBI Special Agent, Aloysius X. L. Pendergast, who is one of the most mesmerizing characters I’ve ever discovered in the realm of fiction. Their latest, Crimson Shore just released today. I’m addicted to Pendergast and their writing. Highly recommended reading for anyone who likes crime fiction with a twist of the unusual!
Thanks for the welcome back 🙂
Mae Clair recently posted…Guest Blogger Staci Troilo on Alchemy, Michelangelo, and the Protectorate
Sue Coletta
Your recommendation is good enough for me, Mae. I’m off to search Amazon. Thanks!
A.K. Andrew
This is such a fantastic post. We are (generally)obsessed with serial killers, and this is a great analysis of them. I think part of our obsession comes from not quite believing an “ordinary” person could do such things. On top of that it’s easy to become fascinated by the details of the ritual because it’s often so quirky even if it is is rather gruesome. Great insight:-)
A.K. Andrew recently posted…3 Key Points Creatives Can Learn from #NaNoWriMo
Sue Coletta
Thank you, A.K.! I think you’ve nailed it with your reasoning.
Nicholas C. Rossis
Chilling, yet fascinating. I was particularly intrigued by the depression stage. It would make for interesting reading, adding a third dimension to the killer.
Nicholas C. Rossis recently posted…November Book Deals: Free Books and Cash
Sue Coletta
It is fascinating that they fall into the depths of despair. But I think my favorite phase is the aura phase, how their entire view of the world changes. It must be a rush of chemicals in their brain, I would think, a defect of some sort that triggers the bright, crisp colors.
Andrè M. Pietroschek
Or a choice, Sue. Whereby the ‘Aura Phase’ then would actually mean the beginning consequence of that choice made, or that harrowing doing a dark revival of the original, and often formerly victimized or violated, personality who once lived in the same body.
I remember an analogy about it being alike with vampires, they only feel anything at all ‘during the act’, feeling anguished or empty the entire rest of their life, which suits the ‘lack of empathy’ seemingly known to be common on certain ‘types’ of what is called serial killers.
Sue Coletta
Good analogy, Andre. Oh, it’s definitely a choice. Most know right from wrong; they just don’t care. I’ve seen some fascinating TED talks about serial killers. There’s scientific proof that serial killers have a defect in their frontal lobe (the area in the brain where empathy stems from, as well as our sense of right and wrong). Early in childhood these killers construct a fantasy. They relive this fantasy over and over till the day they finally act it out in real life. But the act itself is never as good as they’d imagined. The first kill, yes. After the murder, they experience euphoria. “I finally did it.” With each subsequent kill, however, that feeling lessons.
I could talk about serial killers all day. In Wings of Mayhem, my FBI profiler character delves into what makes them tick, and why their signature never changes. I’m fascinated by serial killers, but I’d never want to meet one. 🙂
Debby Gies
Fantastic lowdown on the essence of crime writing Sue. 🙂
Debby Gies recently posted…Sunday Lunch Invitation with #Authors D.G.Kaye and Nicholas Rossis. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life
Sue Coletta
Thank you, Debby!
June Lorraine Roberts
Great post Sue. With regards to your question as to why serial killers are a popular book characters, it may be because you cannot reason with them. Their humanity is on permanent hold. No amount of pleading, begging or crying will stop them from achieving their twisted result.
Trying to discern what makes them tick in order to stop them becomes a lesson few can understand. It may be this horrific puzzle they present to crime solvers that is so fascinating.
Sue Coletta
I agree 100%, June. Which makes them all that more intriguing. It’s also that flip of the coin. On one side many have been great husbands, fathers, and friend. On the other side lies the monster.
Another excellent blog post, Sue!
Reading about these phases, I will now watch my favourite crime series with critical eyes, trying to find the reasons why earlier than my husband. 😉
Sue Coletta
You go, girl! I was thinking of using the quotes to fulfill my challenge, but I didn’t want to link back to your blog with a serial killer post in case I offended your readers with a pingback. They’re creepy, though, huh?
My grandson is a cereal killer. He can eat a bowl of Fruitloops like nobody’s business. He even eats them dry sometimes.
Seriously, here is a book you might like http://www.amazon.com/Without-Conscience-Disturbing-World-Psychopaths/dp/1572304510/ref=sr_1_1/189-5695724-7950158?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446949618&sr=1-1&keywords=Robert+Hare
Craig recently posted…The Muse returns
Sue Coletta
Hahahaha! Actually, the BTK used that kind of humor. Remember? He posed cereal boxes near one of the sites (I think it was Cheerios) and wrote “BTK Cereal Killer.”
Ooh, the title looks fascinating. I’m going to check it out now. Thanks!
Garry Rodgers
Excellent post, Sue. I’ve read this similar material somewhere before and I think it’s very a telling insight into what makes these aberrations tick. This is a great psychological resource for writers in developing fictional characters. What’s the chances of linking this great post as a tip in the Writing Deadly Crime Characters Guide? (please 🙂
Sue Coletta
Absolutely, Garry! Have at it. 😉
Lucy Mitchell
Wow – great research for my book 🙂
Sue Coletta
Are you writing a mystery/thriller, Lucy? Yay! Another writer crosses to the dark side.
Margot Kinberg
This is really interesting, Sue, as are all of your posts. I think that, for people who are going to write a serial killer character, they really need to understand how actual serial killers think. Not, of course, that you can say that each serial killer things in the same way, but I think you do need to have a solid understanding of psychopathology to make such a character authentic.
Margot Kinberg recently posted…I Conjure Up My Muse*
Sue Coletta
I agree, Margot. For instance, I’m writing about one now (as I tend to do) and had to refer back to my research to really capture the aura phase. Which is what prompted this post. 🙂