One Hundred Voices Anthology
Apparently, the publisher no longer exists. No one bothered to tell the authors. Sorry for the mixup!
One Hundred Voices Anthology is available for pre-release in paperback and hardcover. Look for my story, Betrayed. I’d love to hear what you think.
There’s been some early buzz about Betrayed. You can read the comments here.
Thank you for your interest in my work. It means so much to me.
~ Sue
From the publisher:
We are very excited to make our very first anthology available for pre-order! The book contains one hundred short stories and pieces of flash fiction that were written by one hundred different authors. Some of our authors have never been published before while some have written multiple novels and have received a variety of awards. We’re especially excited about the diversity represented among the authors of this book. Please note that One Hundred Voices will published September 23, 2016.
There are limited edition hardcover copies of the anthology still available for purchase. At this time, a discount code may be used to purchase them.